Dear humans,
Typos happen. Authors are human. If you have found a mistake in one of the female’s books, congratulations! You have a sharp eye. Pat yourself on the back. The female spends a great deal of time and money trying to make her books the best they can be. At current, she has an editorial team of fifteen+ people. Some are paid. Some are volunteers.
Typos are addressed as they are found and time allows. If you’re a jerk about errors in a book, we will likely fling your commentary into the ether.
You may report typos on this form.
Note: regionalisms exist. It’s not uncommon for someone to find a phrasing ‘error’ that’s really just how people from a certain region speak. Those ‘errors’ will not be corrected, as they are intentional.

A note to any editors who may come to this page:
Should you pitch a fit because we allow sharp readers to report errors that bother them, you will 100% never be hired, your commentary will be flung into the ether, and the female will probably warn her author friends you’re unprofessional. (Why yes, this has happened enough times it is worth mentioning.)
We do not hire editors who cold call us and insult our editorial team. That is rude, unprofessional, and we do not want to have a professional relationship with people who take that approach.
On rare occasion, we invite a sharp, helpful reader to the beta proofreading team. As the editorial process is stressful, we only invite sweet, nice, sharp, and helpful readers to the team.
Anyone invited to join the beta proofing team will be asked to sign an NDA.