Dear humans,
The female wrote 5,090 words today. She is happy with this! She is also not happy I refused to cooperate with her ‘artistic photography’ efforts. Frankly, she’s wrong. Aren’t I beautiful? I am so beautiful.
We still have power. PG&E taunts us all. The male is stressed, as he doesn’t know if he’ll have power at work tomorrow.
No one knows what is happening any more.
Writing Tip of the Day: If you’re going to murder someone you don’t like in a book, change their name and remove any identifying qualities. Don’t make it easy for people to guess who was actually murdered in the fictional piece. Really. We aren’t supposed to be obvious about who we’re killing.
What? I’m a cat. Did you really want a serious writing tip? Oh. You did?
Uhm… okay. Uh, don’t drink hand sanitizer. It’s not good for you.
What? That doesn’t count as a writing tip? Well, shit. Fine. Okay.
Here’s one:
If you’re not used to writing every day, start with a minute or two of time you actually write every day. Writing is a lot like exercise. The more you do it, the easier it gets to do, but then it just keeps getting harder because writing is pure evil.
That wasn’t really a tip was it?
Oh! Here’s one. Jot down even the crazy ideas. Sometimes, they turn into gems.
Sometimes, they turn into fire-breathing unicorns with a napalm problem.
I love fire breathing unicorns with a napalm problem! They make me laugh and want to find out how they get out of any “picklement” they find themselves in! I don’t write but I have a great imagination that gets delightfully exercised with magical animals and humans involved with mysterious happening. Thank you for the hard work that’s so very entertaining and enjoyable!