Dear humans,
The female spent many an hour scheduling the rest of her life, but through her checks, her double checks, and all of her meticulous planning… she forgot something rather important.
Those who are part of the Fantasy Worlds of RJ Blain facebook group were cruelly teased about a Pat and Jessica Royal States novella… one she’s about a third of the way through.
She completely neglected to account for its existence in her scheduling.
She can has a dumb.
Here’s the cover for the novella she completely forgot about while scheduling. Look, look! It’s Baby Boy! (Which is arguably better than Good Boy.)
Fun fact: King Pat usually goes clean shaven post coronation because he can’t possibly do anything to disappoint Jessica. Yep.
But, let’s face the facts here, humans… he’s a lovely scruffy male critter of the human species. Or at least the model is. Shh. We’re going to enjoy our delusions for a while.
Also, look at that pretty, pretty horse.

Ignore the miserable cries coming from the corner. She didn’t write enough today because she’s battling with depression and anxiety (and currently losing.) Tomorrow should be better. We hope.
She did get 781 words written, which is better than nothing. (Considering she got up for carrot cake but couldn’t find the will power to eat the carrot cake, it’s amazing she got done any words at all.)
In the meantime, the female found out that Blending In won the Uncaged Book Reviews Raven Award in the Urban Fantasy category. The competition was fierce, with two superstars of Indie Urban Fantasy in the category. But, thanks to you cool cats out there, Blending In came out on top. Hooray!
And now, the Blain Household shall attempt to entice the female with food … wish us luck. It’s like trying to approach a rabid honey badger.
Please be gentle with your human female. Affliction of anxiety or depression is quite enough of a battle, both can be behemoth. The Power of the Purr is quite a formidable foe of the evil buggers. Please crank up your motor for her while she fights it off. ~purr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr…
And gild the lily a bit with some cuteness and kitty kisses as congrats for her accomplishment!
Again as usual i love your posts, i truly hope you are ok, i had to quit work last September because of depression and anxiety, i lasted as long as possible until my brain and body refused. Today ive signed up and applied for security checks to be a volunteer at a local opshop which im hoping to look forward to.
Hang in there, pamper yourself if possible you have a whole lot of people who care and are cheering for you x
Congratulations on Blending In!!!
Beard or no beard, I can’t wait to read the next Pat and Jessica story!
Congrats on Blending In’s award. The audio is also outstanding.
I’m looking forward to the Taken novella. Pat and Jessica stories are so good. And the new cover is great!
I can’t say much that makes it better, but we love you, we love your books, and we especially love your furry dictators. <3
I will take whatever your female can give us. No matter which story!
Congrats, your human deserve many many awards for her great gift that she shares with us her faithful readers. Please give her purrs, kitty kisses and snuggles they are definitely needed and deserved.
Pshaw! It’s *easy* to approach a rabid honey badger…getting away w/ no ruffled or missing fur, not so much
Oh girl, I have a good idea of what you’re going through, the doctor put me in the corner for about the same problems as yours, I do understand you’re frustrations, I usually work and create and manage a lot of stuff and stress, but this winter and spring we’re completely nuts, try 3 or 4 times the work for 6 months, so now my brain is too tired to do much, now I have to rest and get better. You need energy to create, and it has to come from yourself and what makes you you so, even if it’s frustrating, a good rest is the best medicine, or you will put in time out like me.?
Yea!!! for Blending In. It is so funny.
And I didn’t even catch the Pat & Jessica novella comment. Awesome! Looking for to anything anytime it publishes. Until then I re-read and re-read and re-read and (you get the point).
Hang in there Mistress of Words! We need you healthy. We will get your books when you get ready to give them to us, we will wait. You take care if yourself.
Depression. Is hard. Don’t let the devil win. Any morning we wake up breathing is a good day and a chance to start over. When you can do nothing else, look for the beauty around. There is always something if we look hard enough. Don’t let the expectations of your fans bury you under. You health must come first. I’ve learned the hard way the damage depression can cause. Take time for yourself and learn to step back from everyone else’s expectations.
When is Taken coming out? We need more Pat and Jessica!!!
I’m still working on it. It’s getting 15 minutes a day until done. I’m near the end, though, but there are some shenanigans that must still happen. 🙂