Dear humans,
While the female hasn’t a chance to do a re-read of the series yet to do her clean up work in, she went ahead and did the formatting work on Winter Wolf to get that part of the update finished.
The series is now republishing.
As she has time, she will be doing a re-read and cleaning things up. (Mostly spelling type search and destroy and fixing minor grammar things.) The inclusion of the epilogue of Winter Wolf is the big thing, and it’s finished.
So, hooray on that!
Now, we need to discuss audiobooks.
Audiobook production is not cheap. For this series, it will be approximately $1,500-$2,500 per book.
The female might be willing to do it (following the re-read and cleaning) if there is enough interest.
She has no idea if there’s enough interest anymore. This series never fails to confuse her. Silly series.
The female now has a lot of work to do, but once Winter Wolf goes live again, it should be available to update in your kindles for the new edition.
She will get to uploading to wide vendors soon… ish.
Happy Reading!
Audiobooks send me to sleep. I don’t get them.
Love audiobooks, have 2000+. They allow me to multitask. Always look for those first. Am a newcomer to the RJ blain universe, yeehaw. Having a blast
Welcome aboard, human! <3
Yes, audiobooks, please! I check Audible occasionally to see if the Witch & Wolf series is available. I’ve read the series at least 3 times and have always thought they would be hilarious audiobooks. I vote yes!
I’m only buying books that have audio now days. (I haven’t read Hoofin’ It for that very reason, no audio). I’ve already pretty much dropped two authors and not continued books by authors I like bc they don’t have an audio option. My life is just too busy otherwise. It allows me to multitask, as another commenter mentioned. I’m in a vehicle a lot and listen to audio to keep me entertained and awake. I also listen to audio for all my household work. The good thing is I always get the actual book and the audio that way if I happen to be at a place I can’t listen I can read. But that’s rare for me now days. By the way I really like the narrator that has done most of the magical romcom series, Courtney Holly, the others way not so much.
Courtney, unfortunately, is no longer available for narration.
Tanya Ebe, not sure I’m spelling it correctly. She did Wen Spencer ‘s Elfhome books, best audio ever!
I also saw her bake on one of those amateur shows, she was a hoot!
Love audio when I need to drive to work.
You will have at least me buying the complete series. By my count that 4 so far….