Some books, like Steel Heart, are feral. Others, like Blood Bound, are unicorns.
The female still has a lot of work to do on the book, but she is really enjoying the work. Unlike all of her other books, she has been naming the chapters after funny or amusing lines from the chapter. Some are deliberately misleading, some are just purely representative of what can be found.
To entice you beautiful bastards into taking the dive and joining the female on her first adventure into a world filled with vampires and other preternatural critters, she is sharing the first ten chapter headings with you.
Chapter One: Let’s use the cuffs.
Chapter Two: Not pizza!
Chapter Three: An unfortunate case of immortality.
Chapter Four: Do your worst.
Chapter Five: So much for the myth about vampires being indestructible.
Chapter Six: He likes reducing empires to ashes.
Chapter Seven: Despite appearances, I am a responsible master.
Chapter Eight: One night of blatant indulgences wouldn’t hurt anything, would it?
Chapter Nine: Are you saying I eat magic?
Chapter Ten: All it takes is a stake.
Are you enticed yet, humans? Please be enticed. My sister stole the blanket, and I need the female to make me one, too. Yarn is not infinite, and she’s on a fiber ban. I don’t understand the word ban, but I do understand that if you buy books, I get rewards. So, if my slave is paid, I will get a blanket, too. Right? That is how this works, isn’t it?

This is the blanket my sister has stolen. It’s colorful and it’s soft, and I want it, but my sister claimed it, and I’m not okay with this. I want one, too, but she’s not working on another one of the same size for me yet.
Wrong! Rude! Cruel!
If you have been enticed to try the female’s odd take on vampirism and preternatural critters, you can check the book out here:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo
Google Play might also have it but the female is particularly lazy today.
Now, she is back to work, as she has some vampires to wrangle.
My human indicated “yes please!” to bring enticed by chapter headings.
and blanketwise, don’t fret dear, there seems to be plenty of space for both of you on the soft squishy pretty blankey. You are after all the senior ranking cat! Best of luck, and as ever, thank you for the lovely updates!
Poor sneaky kitty. I made my cat a fleece quilted hammock. I’m not a very good knitter.