Dear humans!
Here is your one stop shop for new and upcoming releases by the female! With a bonus adorable picture of yours truly.
The female is tired. As soon as Steel Heart unlocks, she will be updating it. Die Hard is playing in the background while she works.
Enjoy the list!
New Releases
October 31, 2019: Bat out of Hell (Bernadette Franklin) ($3.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
*Audiobook Production in Progress.
November 5, 2019: Ginger Snapped (Bernadette Franklin) ($3.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
*Audiobook Production in Progress
November 26, 2019: Double Trouble: A Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) (RJ Blain) ($4.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
*Audiobook Production in Progress
November 26, 2019: Water Witch: A Dustin Walker Anthology and Other Tales by RJ Blain (RJ Blain) ($8.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
December 25, 2019: Steel Heart: A Jesse Alexander Novel (RJ Blain)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
Upcoming Releases
January 28, 2020: Blood Bound: A Lowrance Vampires Novel (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
February 18, 2020: Cold Flame: A Royal States Novel (Susan Copperfield) ($4.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
March 10, 2020: The House Lost at Sea: The Tales of Catalina de la Corona (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
April 28, 2020: The Run Around (Bernadette Franklin) ($4.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
May 12, 2020: Grave Humor: A Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
June 16, 2020: Dawn of Dae: Dae Portals 1 (Rerelease, extensive editing) (RJ Blain/Trillian Anderson) ($4.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
July 21, 2020: Taken: A Royal States Novella (Pat & Jessica #2) (Susan Copperfield) ($3.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
August 18, 2020: Booked for Murder: Vigilante Magical Librarians #1 (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
September 1, 2020: A Chip on Her Shoulder: A Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
September 22, 2020: Beginnings: A Royal States Collection (Susan Copperfield) ($9.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
October 27, 2020: The Flame Game: A Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
November 3, 2020: Outfoxed: The Fox Witch #1 (RJ Blain) ($5.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
December 22, 2020: License to Kill (Balancing the Scales #2) (RJ Blain) ($4.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
December 22, 2020: Wild Wolf (Wolf Hunt #2) (RJ Blain) ($4.99)
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
Please note that any vendors without a link will be updated as soon as links are made available. (The vendors closed for the holidays before the preorders were uploaded.)
Series Continuations
2021 Plans for Magical Romantic Comedies (with a body count)
- Leashed I Could Do (Continuation of Last but not Leashed.)
- Ural Be Sorry (Continuation of Owl be Yours)
- Murder Mittens
2021 Plans for Seeking the Zodiacs
- Achyls
- Day of Reckoning (Prequel)
2021 Plans for Witch & Wolf
- Dual Nature (Nature of the Beast #2)
2021 Plans for Royal States
- Runaway
- Prince of New York
This list is not a guarantee but is what the female (at current) has planned. Other books, including Bernadette Franklin titles, will be added at a later time.
I want them all!! ?
Hi Rebecca. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Could you give an update on when the audio version of Burn Baby Burn will be available. You had announced back in August that Burn Baby Burn and 3 others were in production. The other three appeared in Audible (and have been purchased) and have been purchased but Burn Baby Burn has not. Can you give an eta of when it will be available.
Burn Baby Burn and Bonds are in review, but it is the holidays, and the staff who handle the reviewing process is home likely for the rest of the year. Expect mid January 2020 for those two to release.
Great lists…lots of wonderful books to look forward to..yay..happy happy joy joy..thank you..
Woot! I just pre-ordered Cold Flame from B&N. Looking forward to reading it!
Just finished Steel heart. I LOVED it. What a nice christmas treat.
What, no Zodiacs at all in 2020? 🙁
I’ll be writing on them, but they won’t be finished.
Unfortunately, I haven’t figured out how to increase my writing productivity beyond this point, so I had to pick which books were getting priority, and because I really wanted to close out most of the Witch & Wolf books, I pushed off Zodiacs. Couldn’t fit both.
Love your writing. I have just finished Steel Heart. Can’t wait for the next books you have coming out!!!!
Merry Christmas to me. Just finished Steel Heart. Loved it! Updated my calendar. Thanks for the list.
A great New Year! Preordered everything, and my best Christmas gift was Steel Heart! Enjoyed it a lot, and I’m sorry it was feral.
I’m wondering if there will ever be new books in the DAE series – I really enjoyed those. You’re a great writer. Thanks!
Short answer: yes. But I am going to revamp the first two books first, and then work on the third book after I get the first two re-released with their new covers. This series just doesn’t sell hardly any copies, so it’s something I work on in my spare time.
Great news. And folks are silly not to enjoy them. Who couldn’t love sentient macaroni and cheese?
Thank you
Thank you for all the wonderful books! (I’ve read all the RJ available on nook, I’m going to start the others when I can pretend to have money again…. There might be a library trip involved in my future. Thanks for the idea.)
I sincerely appreciate your books having sarcasm (and characters that could be real people, with real motivations). You’re awesome!!!