Dear humans,
The female is totally done with today, so you get to be tortured by yours truly. I’m so cute you don’t mind though, do you?
Some humans had questions for the female, but I will be answering them.
Q: Purple or Orange Yarn?
A: Both are equally fun to play with. Thank you for asking. (The female is working on a purple blanket at the moment, in case you were wondering. It looks awful, and I enjoy making fun of her pitiful efforts. She’s quite proud of it, so pretend it looks good, okay?)
Q: Do you think you will ever own a dog?
A: All signs point to no. Dogs would not be happy in the confined spaces the humans live within. She likes dogs, and she used to own a wolf-dog, but dogs are not likely moving forward.
Q: Who are your top 3 favorite authors to read and why?
A: Ilona Andrews, Grace Draven, and Faith Hunter. The female will never tire of Ilona Andrews’ Silver Shark, Dragon Unleashed by Grace Draven is one of her current favorite books, and she wtf love Bruiser and Jane from Faith Hunter.
She love them. She also really enjoys Jeaniene Frost, Shelly Laurenston, and Lynsay Sands.
Q: Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what are some favorites?
A: Sometimes. The Piano Guys and Pentatonix are very common. When not listening to those, the female is jamming to 80s music.
She’s weird.
Q: When did you realize you wanted to be a writer & how did you start?
A: She was out of schooling, and she liked telling stories for her own entertainment, then she became a purrfectionist and wanted to tell better stories, and now she just hates herself and keeps writing. It’s probably a disease, for which there is no cure.
As that was all the questions asked by actual humans, here are some questions I made up and am answering because I feel like it. But I’m not actually going to tell you the question. I’m just going to answer.
A: The female’s current favorite stories (she has written) to read is Taken and Cold Flame. She has read them a few too many times and doesn’t care nobody else has gotten to read them.
I should be concerned, but honestly, it keeps her quiet, and that’s a good thing.
A: No.
A: Yes, she is still behind on everything. We’re hoping she can get back on track in the next few days. Hope isn’t entirely lost… yet.
A: It has been a sadly long time since she’s had a really good writing day. Right now, she’s VERY happy with herself if she writes more than 2,000 words in a day. It’s sad. Poor human.
A: Hardest book is definitely Steel Heart. That fucking thing was feral.
A: The female will be heartbroken if nobody likes Blood Bound. She adores it. And she adores it so much she basically kept coming up with more ideas to ensure there would be a second book. She is not at all sorry.
A: Pink.
A: Blending In is on sale until the 31st sometime. It will not go on sale again for at least another year.
A: Burn, Baby, Burn will probably go on sale sometime in late 2020 if you haven’t gotten it yet.
A: Yes, there will be more Bernadette Franklin books.
A: I’m at least four inches longer than my sister. I was smaller when I came home. I am cared for very well, so I grew. Like a demented, bitey weed.
A: She is drinking lemonade.
A: There is going to be a super special announcement in mid January. You will fucking love it.
Thank you for attending my Cat Talk.
Thank you for writing
Ah, that cat. The one who grew ” Like a demented, bitey weed.” 🙂
Not to mention that truly important answer, “Pink.”
Thanks for the {humorous} updates :-)!
(Mid-January 2020, huh?)
I eagerly await Bloodbound and I already have the House Lost at Sea and enjoyed it too.
80’s music is fun. Girls just want to have fun. You should toss her a feather toy, maybe she’ll have some fun.
No. leaves me heart-broken. But I understand not everything is possible, or even desirable, and will recover…
I love Sneaky kitty critic! Every time I read I smile and laugh out loud. It makes my day week. . .
What is the status of Dual Nature? Do you have any other cat books planned? The unusualness of them are probably why I liked the Jesse books so much as well as the cheetah books. Will you expand more on Dallas also? you seemed to put an extensive layout of what the community was like as if you were setting a foundation for more books there. So many authors do the dog ones. You are one of the only cat ones I know of readily available.
Dual Nature will be done in 2021. No promises on which part of 2021.
Yes to more cat books. What will those cat books be? Dunno. I’m currently on a fox kick. There will be many foxes. But foxes are cats in dog hardware, so they will have cat-like tendencies. Just no purring. (Maybe I will make my foxes purr. That would be amusing! Bwahahaa.) But yeah, there will be a lot of foxes.
Next year has one confirmed kitty in the form of A Chip on Her Shoulder.
Cats are hard because cats don’t sell as well, however much I do like writing them. I will keep slipping them in because I do like the kitties, but puppers and foxes do tend to have more appeal.
I *love* foxes, though… there will be so many foxes.
I figured it had something with sales, although I just don’t understand that.
I really like that visual.. cats in dog hardware… I can even see them shaking their tail at you just like a cat will. A purr.. now wouldn’t that be a tell tale sign of a “special” fox..
It is hard to wait for each new book as they come out, and each is so hard to put down when it does. I preorder them as soon as available, and most I have both book and audio. I will eagerly await the foxiness headed our way, as well as any and all others coming including Bloodbound as it be amazing for you to be so excited about it 🙂
I too prefer purple to orange. Love all your books and the kitties as much of more then puppies. I also have pre-ordered all available books and love chance to meet old and new friends with each book. Thanks for all you share with us.?
You jib when I think you are gonna jab, you are dementedly funny at all of the times and you are so in the smartest, kindest and most intelligent way I have ever seen. Plus my 3 cats love your management. I say purple, but pink and purple can live together in harmony.
Every single word is a gem, and you are my heroine.
Thank you