Dear 2020,
We come in peace. Please put away the Molotov cocktails, the chainsaw, and… is that a whip?
We come in peace. We come in peace.
I’m totally curious about that whip, though. Will it smack the male human? The female human? Are they supposed to like it?
Anyway, 2019 came in like a wrecking ball for many of our fans and the female’s readers. We’re sorry about that. We challenged it. We have learned our lesson.
As 2019 was so vicious to many, the female requested that we write a post to the other humans about little tips, tricks, and things that can help make life more pleasant. These are things the female will be working on, too.
She wants to discover what it is like to be happy, and 2019 helped her figure out little ways she can beat the beast and snatch those moments of happiness for herself.
Some of this you have heard before. Some may be new. But as always, take and use only what sparks joy. That, after all, is the goal. But reflect on what sparks joy for you. You may discover you’re not the person you wish to be. And you can change that.
Walk Away from the Negativity.
This is one of the hardest but one of the most important things that the female is going to be doing in 2020. Everyone wants to make a difference. There are battles we want to fight.
There is drama to be had at every corner.
The female is going to be doing her best to just walk away from the drama. It doesn’t matter who cheated who. It doesn’t matter if some author made more money than another author. It doesn’t matter who said what. Leave the people obsessed with their drama to their drama.
You have better things to do.
Being happy is one part conquering the beast, and one part not allowing others to bring their beasts into your house.
There is nothing wrong with blocking people to get rid of their negativity. You don’t need that or them in your life. If someone takes joy in ‘outing’ people, if they take join in belittling others, and if they take joy in watching others fail, they will take joy in outing you, belittling you, and watching you fail.
It isn’t your job to bring those people ‘to the light.’ It isn’t your job to sacrifice your happiness for their sake.
Say no.
Block, and walk on. There are plenty of good people in the world. Make friends with them. The rest aren’t your tribe, and they shouldn’t be wasting your precious minutes.
It’s a lot easier for the female to be happy when she doesn’t care about those who hunt drama and aren’t worried about doing good. Do good relentlessly. Help recklessly and with great abandon. Do good, humans. Shun the bad.
Get rid of the negativity. It helps a lot.
Try to eat better. You matter.
This one is hard. It’s basically impossible to get a balanced diet going when you are working long hours. Most of us work long hours. But, try to eat better. You matter, and when you eat better, you feel better, and you deserve to feel better.
If gluten makes you feel sick, get rid of it, and ignore those people who think they know everything and say gluten isn’t a problem. (For some people, it’s a problem.)
Don’t follow the female’s approach to lactose. She loves it. It does not love her. She accepts the consequences with a certain amount of resignation. Stupid lactose.
Try to get those extra vitamins. They help.
The female is going to be trying to drink 1 or 2 premier proteins (in chocolate) every day because it helps her. She doesn’t eat very well. She forgets. She gets caught up in work. It’s a good way for her to try to be a little healthier.
Her wallet does not thank her for her poor life choices.
It’s okay to ditch the politics online.
Hide posts, block news sources, do what you need to. But, the female’s anxiety and depression were significantly improved when she ruthlessly eradicated most sources of politics online.
Nobody is going to change her opinions online. She knows how she is going to vote. She knows why she is going to vote. There are more appropriate places to learn about candidates than facebook.
It’s also much easier to hate people when politics are brought onto the table.
Getting rid of the politics might be for you if anxiety and depression are things you suffer from. They do not help. They never help. Don’t let anyone tell you that you must follow politics every day.
You don’t.
And while voting is important, there are better ways to learn about issues and candidates than arguing online.
You can’t be happy if you’re fighting all the time.
Read more books that make you happy.
Put down the ones that make you sad or don’t somehow improve your life. Yeah, you may end up with unfinished books in the pile, but if they aren’t making you happy, why read them? (Note: happy can be satisfied, happy can be thoroughly educated, happy can be anything that makes that book a positivity in your life.)
If books that make you ugly cry satisfy you, read those.
People will hate books you love.
Don’t worry about it. That’s the beauty of people. We’re all different. Also, don’t hate on books people love. Those books make them happy. We don’t have to be mean about what we like and don’t like. Criticizing things others love makes them unhappy.
Don’t be that person. Making someone unhappy on purpose is the exact definition of what it means to be a bad person.
Don’t. Shit. On. What. People. Like. Even. When. You. Don’t. Get. It.
You don’t have to understand it to support them on something they like. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Keep on scrolling.
Let them be happy.
Let them be happy.
But most importantly…
Place nice with 2020. Don’t challenge it. Don’t look it in the eyes. Don’t make dares.
2019 was feral, and we challenged it. Learn from our mistakes.
Welcome to 2020, humans. May the catnip be with you. Always.
Wise thoughts sneaky kitty. Now here is one for you. Cuddle more with your human. Purring reduces stress and gets you more treats.
I had to cut my news-reading down to 30 minutes once a day. My mindset improved once I wasn’t obsessing over Washington DC news for hours each day.
Wise kitty! This human would also.suggest a little physical activity. Doesn’t have to be running or aerobics. Walk around the block. Play with.the animals, just move a bit. And think about picking up a new hobby. And try not to worry. Have faith that things will improve.
Hello there, just a few books suggestions for you, Katie Macalister, try the Corset diaries it’s fun, and for fun but scary stories try Victoria Laurie Ghost Hunter series, it’s spooky but Gilly is a fun character., try also Eve Langlais, the pride first books are pretty good, my favorite is a Tiger’s Bride, Dana Marie Bell is pretty fun too, so many books so little time. Have fun.
Have a nice New year?
Thank you for the excellent insights. I really like your emails. I wish everyone a better 2020!
Those are some really good tips for 2020.