1: I pawed my way over to The Run Around and inserted Juliette via special Kitty Edits. You’re welcome.
2: I hit ‘send’ to the beta proofreaders before the female could do yet another pass on this book she’s edited to death. You’re welcome, female.
3: I’m making the female work late tonight because she needs to get stuff done, and unless she writes a lot, she can’t order the cover for a Mag Rom Com she really wants to do. The title has cost her (temporarily) several friendships, and she hopes to offend the entirety of her fanbase into preordering the book.
While cursing her.
4: I am enforcing her weekly word count goal in order to purchase new covers for these ideas she has and wants to work on. No extra words each week, no covers. You’re welcome, fans of the human. Sucks to be you, human.
5: The male leaves for Austin, Texas in the morning. Female can’t decide if she’s traumatized her life-partner is wandering off for work or if she’s happy she can eat tacos all day every day until he’s home.
6: The House Lost at Sea is just about ready to go. Human female likes it much more with her edits included. Like with the other pilots, if it does well, there is room for more story. If it doesn’t, you can insert a happily ever after for all parties involved and murder any characters you dislike in your personal head cannon. Female hopes to do another book with these characters, as they are delightfully fun. Not her usual fare. Unashamed this is the case.
7: Female isn’t sure she will ever hit her goal for the week to buy this cover. I am laughing at her.
8: All but three of the Mag Rom Coms have been submitted to the distributor with the new spreads. Next three should happen sometime in the next week. When links are available, she will share them. Old trim size will be going out of print soon, as soon as the female finds time and can make sure she gets the right ISBNs submitted to the distributor for distribution cancellation.
9: Have a picture of my toe beans.

“3: I’m making the female work late tonight because she needs to get stuff done, and unless she writes a lot, she can’t order the cover for a Mag Rom Com she really wants to do. The title has cost her (temporarily) several friendships, and she hopes to offend the entirety of her fanbase into preordering the book.
While cursing her.”
indeed, an interesting marketing idea!
Dear human,
I think it will work. It’s so perfectly catty. It’s a masterpiece of an idea.
Such handsome toe beans !!!
Toe beans! Still laughing. Thank you for that glorious name for cat toes.
You don’t have to offend me into pre-ordering another book. Whenever I see that you have a new pre-order available my hand immediately goes to the button to place my order.
Thank you for writing this fun and informative blog for us lowly humans.
I am very happy that you are encouraging your human to keep writing wonderfull books. If i could i would pre-order every book that is available for it. Unfortunately I can’t due to my lack of having a credit card (I’m Dutch, getting a credit card here is not encouraged and mostly not necessary) I’ve put them all on my wish list (KOBO) and buy them the moment they come out. I’m especially looking forward to “Booked for murder” as i think it will be amazing. I’m curently making my way through the “Royal States” and enjoying them. Thank you again for writing such entertaining books that never fail to lift my spirits.