Paint me like one of your French girls.
The female is in a mood this week, and it’s really, really scary, humans. First, the male asked why the female was having coffee. She may have said “So I don’t kill you today” or something along those lines.
The male poured her coffee, and he seemed potentially concerned about the demon that has taken the female’s place.
He might survive assuming she gets done everything on her list for a change.
She really wants to hit her March wordcount goal, which is 110,000 words. She has six days to write 20,000 words if she wants to hit it. She also wants to get ahead of the game for a change.
She is not holding her breath. (If she did, she would surely die.)
Right now, she is hyper focused on Grave Humor, as she really wants to be finished this book as soon as possible. It’s supposed to go to bloggers sooner than later, and she’s already going to be running behind on it. That doesn’t surprise the female at all; everything has gone to hell in a hand basket lately.
All of that said, the female is really happy with how Grave Humor is coming along.
After she works on Grave Humor, she is working on License to Kill, which is a FERAL book. So feral. It is out for blood and tears. It is not bothering with the taking names part of things before beginning the slaughter.
A little warning: License to Kill is not a happy book. There are occasional puns or bright spots, but it’s a Witch & Wolf book, and if you thought Karma was unstable in book one… you would be right.
But you know the female. She’s all about the pay offs.
Just go in prepared is all we’re saying, humans.
The female will, at some point in the future, be creating a mood chart for her books, so readers who want a certain type of book can browse by mood and pick the right type of book.
Cheetahs Never Win would be a dark humor book, while Playing with Fire would be listed under the lighter humor category.
Witch & Wolf would typically fall into midline Urban Fantasy. License to Kill would fit under Dark Urban Fantasy.
It’s just on the to-do list and will take her time (she doesn’t have right now) to finish. C’est la vie.
Onto the book review!
This is a series review for the Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter. This is a weird one, so bear with us, humans!
The female loves Jane Yellowrock. She particularly loves the character Bruiser. She absolutely hates Rick. He is one of her favorite characters to hate. (We all have that one character we love to hate. The female loves loves loves to hate Rick, and nothing you say will ever convince her to like him, okay? It’s a fond tradition for her now.)
Any time the female is capable of adoring and hating different characters in a series is a time she really likes.
But, and here’s the biggest but… this is a dark series. There’s no real joking around in this one. There’s moments of levity. There’s love. There’s heartache. There’s a lot of heartache. This is the darkest series the female reads at current. It’s also on her automatic buy list.
It took her two tries to get into the series. The first time she read Skinwalker, she just couldn’t get into the book. She set it down and came back to it again later. (She will typically give a series three strikes on the book one to see if it’s a mood issue or she just doesn’t like it. Damn it, she buys the books, and she wants her money’s worth!)
She just hadn’t been in the right mood the first time around. The second time around made all the difference in the world.
It’s one of her favorites now.
So, give book one a time or two. Book two outruns the wind, and the rest of the series picks up speed from there.
But this is a dark series
Like, we’re not kidding on the dark. If you are not a fan of the action adventure and dark thrills, skip this one.
But if you like an edge in your writing, if you enjoy when things go to hell in a hand basket, this might be the type of series you’ll enjoy.
The series is nearing its end, which makes me sad, but I have high hopes for how this one concludes.
P.S.: The female tends to binge read this series.
In other news, the female is still using her knee brace because it’s being a jackass, she’s having to take ibuprofen because her tennis elbow is flaring and she can’t get a brace until Sunday, and her allergies are a mess.
She is very grateful her doctor gave her a mass prescription for her inhaler. She has plenty. She got her refill before ventolin became difficult to acquire, so she won’t need any for a while. Her asthma issues are very well controlled, but her new blood pressure and anxiety medication may trigger asthma attacks, and her doctor wanted to make sure she has them on hand if needed.
Fortunately, the medication has not triggered any attacks, and her allergy management has been really good lately, so she’s dodged needing hers. This is what she wants.
In her doctor’s words: You do not want to catch this.
No, doctor, the female definitely doesn’t want to catch this.
Oh! Oh! Humans, Ilona Andrews’ Innkeeper Chronicles is on sale for $0.99 for a limited time. This is one of the female’s favorite stories from them. (But not the favorite. There will be a review of the favorite later.) All proceeds, minus agent fees, are going to the CPD Covid-19 Response. If you have $0.99 to spare, please grab a copy.
The female has purchased at all vendors.
Here are the appropriate links:
Okay. We must work. Enjoy the books!
I love, love, love, the Jane Yellowrock series. One of my all time favorites, if not THE all-time favorite. I recently re-read the whole thing, and I noticed SO MANY THINGS that I didn’t notice before when I was reading them as they came out.
I love your books too! Playing with Fire and it’s progeny made me laugh harder than I ever have reading books!
Jane Yellowrock, Ilona Andrews Kate Danley and the Innkeeper series, Faith Hunter’s series that crosses over…..ALL on my must read/must own and How long must I wait for the next book…what do you mean there is no next book, the series is over!?!?!? That said, ANYTHING by RJ Blaine, Susan Copperfield, Bernadette Franklin are also ALL on my must have, must pre-order and must read right away, all at once, who cares if it’s 4 am and I must be up at 6:30 ….dammit, I am going to finish this.
I have yet to read on of your books that I did not like. Totally loved “The House Lost at Sea”. In fact, since I read on a kindle or I pad I didn’t realize it was ended till I ‘turned’ the page and there wasn’t anymore. So THANK YOU for ALL your books, stay healthy, drink coffee if you must, and please KEEP WRITING.
I haven’t read Jane Yellowrock but I’m absolutely in love with the Soulwood series which is a spinoff to it. I’m not sure if you are reading it also. The main character, Nell, is a bloodthirsty dryad who was raised in a cult but is now a rookie PsyLED agent working under Rick. I only know him from this series, so he doesn’t seem that bad to me, but I gather there’s a lot of water under the bridge for his character that I’m not aware of.
The female can do it! We have seen her do more in less time, but not with a feral book. The felines and the beard must give the female much love and comfort if the word count goal is not accomplished. It would be disappointing to her, but not the end of all things. The female’s well-being- mental and physical- come FIRST. Best wishes, wonderful author person ???????