Dear humans,
The female has successfully navigated through the waters to have the preorder for Client from Hell moved to July 27, 2021. This allows her to do important things including not work herself to death, sleep, breathe, make food at the appropriate intervals, and not have a heart attack from stress sometime in January.
Thank you for your understanding.

Step one: add some gasoline.
Step two: light a match.
Step three: watch the devil’s house burn.
As far as plans go, Sandra Moore rather likes hers. It’s simple. It gets the job done. It reduces the devil’s house to smoldering ruins.
Life is good—at least for the year she has left of it, assuming the devil doesn’t kill her first.
Instead of the quick end and the retribution she deserves, Sandra gets the client from hell for the case of a lifetime, one that could forever change the war between the heavens and the devil’s many hells.
Now for a few words from the female:
While the word “romance” does not appear on the cover, did you really think Satin could be involved in a book without there being romance lurking around the corner?
It will be weird romance.
After all… Satin is involved, and he’s weird.
With guest appearances from Kanika, Malcolm, Darlene, and some other characters who can’t seem to stay out of trouble.
I will not confirm nor deny the presence of unicorns in this novel.
A hearty thank you to the Amazon customer service team for going to bat for me with their technical department to make this happen.
This will be a trilogy. As such, you’re going to encounter unresolved plotlines in books one and two. If I finish the damned plot arc in book one you don’t get books two or three, so please stop complaining about books that don’t neatly tie everything up when they’re a planned series. That’s not how this works.
Please pardon us as we complain over the complainers who can’t handle that the mystery was not solved in Booked for Murder.
It is a five book series, you are not getting a confirmation of who done it until book five. There is no point in writing books two, three, four, or five if the complicated as fuck murder with political ramifications is solved in book one.
Thank you.
(Please stop complaining to me you don’t know who dun it. That is the entire point of a murder mystery series. You’re not supposed to figure it out until closer to the end.)
Coming soon: a massive question & answer post. If you want to get into the fun and use facebook, join the Fantasy Worlds of RJ Blain readers’ group and dive on in.
As the cats insist I must, here are links for Client from Hell.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple | Kobo
Please note all vendors do not reflect the new release date yet; expect to receive emails between now and within a few days notifying you of the date change.
I am so glad you were able to move the publishing date out. Also, when the human makes food, please make sure she eats it!!!
Pretty Kitty Sheela tells me to tell you hello!
All the best
Yea, you can breathe. That is most important as without the breathing thing, the writing thing can’t be done.
Inappropriate finger gesture to those who want to know ‘who dunnit’ on page 2 of a murder mystery. They need to get over themselves. We likes mystery precious. We does.
Those referenced in comment two are likely also those who complain to Amazon about ‘content’ and grammar. See above the gesture to them as well.
Have a great weekend!
Looking forward to it! I’m glad you are taking charge of your schedule even if those waters are hard to navigate.
I got a notice from Amazon, and thought… Okey-dokey! I am glad you are practicing self-care. I love your characters and your stories, so I will take them, whenever they are ready!
Good for you. Something else to look forward to in 2021. Enjoy being able to eat, sleep and breathe. Also, people who complain about a SERIES need to stuff their pie hole with a wet swampy sock.
Have a great day and squeeze the family just because.