Dear humans,
The female is going to be turtling for the rest of this week. She has a lot of work to do and not nearly enough time to do it in, and honestly… when she isn’t doing the work, she wants to play with the new phone the male got her for the holidays. She likes it very much! It is big and it is blue and it does things she likes!
Things she likes that she has done on it so far: read books.
Basically, it’s a very expensive camera that is also an e-book reader. Because she didn’t have a bazillion e-book readers in the apartment as it is.
In other news, a Secret Santa got the female a unicorn wristlet purse wallet doohickey! She loves it very much. It is large enough to carry her phone, all of her cards, and even a pen if she wants one! Heaven! She has found it! Another Secret Santa gave her a pink war unicorn dice tray, and there was much rejoicing in the Blain Household, as it, for once in the female’s life, almost contained her shiny click-clack sparkly goblin ways.
Starting on Monday, December 7, we will be doing a book faire to thank the super nice helpful people who promoted books for the female in November. The female needs the weekend to get everything situated, and… basically have time to be able to do stuff other than work.
AKA she wants to play Pokemon Sword, and she needs just a few more minutes…
The female is basically going to get through December by writing a thousand words before playing some Pokemon Sword before writing a thousand more words before reading a little bit of a book before writing a thousand more words before setting up the book faire before writing a thousand more words…
And that is the story about why the female will be quiet until January.
Happy Holidays, folks!
Hop u have nice one
Nice presents, and very appropriate. Hope the Female, the Beard, and you kitties have a wonderful holiday.
Sounds like a good idea to me…
I hope you kitty’s got some presents to I understand the joys of dice trays only unicorn I want on mine is a cindercorn so I have some looking. Hope you all have a great holiday.
I just recently read all of your ‘with a body count’ funny books. Loved them! I also read Blood Bound and jeep looking for the next one. I enjoyed it very much. Please say you have another one on the list for 2021? You are my new favorite author. I am old (ok not really old but feel really old) and have a host of medical issues and read a lot. A LOT!! You’re books are funny, irreverent, unique and interesting. Kudos to you for being so original.
Assuming time allows, it’s on the agenda, but I need to take some breathing time because I’ve been overworked for too long. I’m… probably going to cap my work to no more than eight books next year, and the books picked really depend on what my mood is when I’m done the ‘mandatory’ projects.
And I’m hoping to just… take some time off.
(And since my next day off of any sort will happen in 2021, I neeeeeed some time off.)
I love your books. Every single one I’ve read has become my favorite! I hope your December is relaxing and pokemon filled!! I also hope you have plenty of yummy goodies too.
Please give the naysayers and poopheads the attention they deserve, which is nothing, less than nothing, throw them into a pit of POOP!! Cuz they are poopheads so why not?
I legit read this comment and laughed out loud, and now the husband is giving me weird looks.
I’ve been indulging in a mega reread of both the Royal States and the Body Count books. (A good refuge from current events!)
I struck me that in many ways the worlds are mirror images of each other -One an overly controlled world using magic as its major tool to that end and the other one where magic adds to the inherent chaos in the system with the CDC trying to impose some kind of order. Both struggle with different kinds of prejudice both institutional and personal.
Its been fun comparing them.
I hope you and yours stay healthy and at least relatively sane. …
I absolutely DO flip the coin and the script to explore the options. It’s highly entertaining for me to do that.
Also, do a comparative against the Vigilante magical librarians series. That is the thin side of the coin, too.
Please convey my regards to the female. ❤️