Greetings, folks.
RJ here. The cats are melted on the floor taking naps. I am using this picture of Devil Spawn because I love her. She has new tag holders, and they read “My other ride is a unicorn” to go with her gas cap decal that reads “Born to be a Unicorn.” The rear spoiler will have a decal that reads “Clever Girl.” It features a velociraptor.
There will be an undead unicorn figuring somewhere in the vehicle, although the home for said figurine is yet to be decided.

Onto the real purpose of this post: What the fuck am I writing in 2022?
2021 sucked. People died. (A lot of people died. People I know. Some of my readers, some of my family.) Let’s just say 2021 is not my favorite year. It managed to be worse than 2020. 2020 also majority sucked.
So, I’m clean slating my schedule. Here’s the plan:
February 2022: Silent Stalker. (Lowrance Vampires #2.)
May 2022: Doggone Mess, the complete edition.
In this particular order, beginning after Doggone Mess is finalized, I will be writing the following books. There will be no preorders. We will go into wild, uncharted territory. There will be wild animals, feral beasts… chaos. We will see if this actually helps my general situation. I hope so.
- The Vampire of Montana (Agents of the Royal States)
- Runaway (Royal States)
- Serial Killer Princess 2 (Serial Killer Princess sequel)
- Leashed I Could Do (Sequel to Last but not Leashed)
- Karma #3/Old Secrets (Conclusion of Karma Trilogy, since it outgrew its britches.)
- The Edge of Midnight (Conclusion of the Wolf Hunt Trilogy.)
- Dual Nature (Pack Justice sequel)
- The Rider of the Sun Horse (Spinoff Rift King world book)
- The Tides of War
- Requiem for the Rift King
Before I continue the list, here is how Requiem for the Rift King will work. I have the editorial costs for this series squirreled away, and I have had it for a while. That part of things is fine. The box set oof the first two books in the series will remain as is, forever sold as a bundled box set of debut horror stories.
If I want to do solo releases of these titles, I need to make up $1,000 per cover. I will still be doing a box set of the conclusion of the series with the rest of the Erelith series tossed in. That plan is not going to be changed.
If I can gather up the $2,000 for the two covers, Tides of War and Requiem for the Rift King will be released as solo titles. If those two earn back enough to pay for the individual covers for Storm without End and Storm Surge, I will re-release those as singular titles, probably with yet another editing pass done on them and possible the addition of a few fun side scenes as bonus material at the end of the book to make up for a full re-release.
I might add some new scenes to flesh out some things I regret from my inexperience as an author. I’m chewing on it.
So, starting tomorrow, anything the Requiem box set makes will be going into a fun for solo covers for those books. I thought about setting up a tip jar, and I might, but the following on this series is so small that it’ll be a miracle if I get anywhere near the $2k from book sales of the first in series. I’ll be changing the price to $5.99 and saving up everything that set earns for the solo release covers. (I have already invested more into this series than it earns by far, and that’s fine. It’s a labor of love. I’m just not going to go into $2,000 additional debt for solo releases without having made up most of the money elsewhere.
The first three books I wrote, which are in that set, frankly, aren’t the greatest. But hey, the upcoming books will be better, so that’s something.
Moving on.
- Next novel in the Booked for series. (Yeah, I’m just not being bothered with looking up the title. Not even sorry. Hahahaha. But seriously it’s either theft or arson and I can’t remember which offhand.)
- Next novel in the Fox Witch series. I’m 99% sure it’s called Death’s Door.
Now, that we’ve gotten this far, after those two books are done, I will be working on several Seeking the Zodiacs titles, barring people being stupid racists. I will maintain my stance of not releasing or working on the books if people can’t stop being stupid racists towards those of Chinese descent.
I have zero wish to bring harm to my readers, and the plots of these books consist of large scale destruction, illness, and death. So, this is where I will stop the list for the moment.
When will they be released? Don’t know. Ask the management. I’m just removing all deadlines and doing a list of “Here’s the order I’m working on things. I need to get caught up on the backlist.”
Please don’t ask me “but what about $this book.” If it’s not on the list, I don’t know right now. This list is lengthy enough as it is.
P.S.: Got banned off facebook again for three or so days for telling someone he should sit down and shut up and mind his own business about what other people do in their bedrooms. Apparently, this is bullying.
Poor, fragile little prejudiced man, can’t handle being told to sit down and shut up.
Excuse me while I roll my eyes and give myself a concussion.
Can’t wait for those books
Looking forward to the new releases; and now to see if I can find “the Post of Banishment”
Probably not, it was on a friend’s post. LOL
Next time just say “MYOB you bully” putting the bullying on them – LOL! I appreciate you standing up for freedom.
Please don’t let the hatefuls dissuade you from publishing those books. I’ve been waiting for several of those sequels. Thank you for your hard work putting out such interesting stories.
Thank you very much for the effort you put into your EXCELLENT and much “looked-forward-to” books. I truly appreciate all your stories. I don’t care if they are Rom-Com with a body count, etc., Royal States, RJ Blain, Bernadette Franklin or Susan Copperfield. I truly enjoy reading your products.
I completely agree with your stance on “sensitive critic/readers”. They need to write their own material that is to their personal taste and stop reading things that offend them AND realize the world does not revolve around them. Or they need to find enjoyment in your stories AND keep their prejudices to themselves.
I wish that the insensitive readers out there would grow up, stop with the bitching and either enjoy your efforts or stop complaining if it’s not exactly what they were looking for.
In my humble opinion, you are an excellent writer. You create characters that I can relate to and understand. Thank you again. I hope the trolls go away sooner rather than later so they do not increase the stress you are facing.
Remember to take care of yourself FIRST! Your health and well-being matter. If necessary, your fans will wait (with ants in our pants) for the next installment but you need to be healthy enough to produce do…no brainer to the reasonable reader.
Thank you again for all the great stories you have provided us. They are “re-readable” and always rewarding!
I don’t have to post anything you said my opinion for me. Thanks lol
Completely agree with this whole post.
Thanks for saying all of that. Totally agree with it all. RJ you are one of my top 2 authors and I adore all that you have written. BTW it’s a tie for first lol.
Getting banned from facebook put you with some very illustrious company. See it as a positive. You are getting noticed. ?. Success.
Btw good for you. If we don’t stand up for what we believe in then we just made get crushed under. Don’t let that happen.
I JUST LOVE YOU! And though I’m sorry you got the boot from FB, you are saying what we all would so no knocks on the head, just raise a glass to yourself!
Honestly, pleased as punch over it. Hahahaha. Like, go ahead and ban me for scolding some fragile little prejudiced asswipe. I’m good with this. Hahahahaaa.
Facebook has asshats for who decides to ban whatever
I really liked the Requiem for the Rift King. It isn’t super light hearted like the other series but I really got into it. I am thrilled to see that you will be continuing it.
I love you more and more every time I read new post from The Sneaky Kitty Critic. I pretty sure you are my “Sprit Person”. Anyway super excited about the Seeking the Zodiacs series I just finished re-reading the first book because it was that good, I may have gotten the audible version too. I have no shame when it comes to book consumption, I am a greedy Book Dragon!!! 😉
Thanks for catching up with us.
Love the color and the car. What model Mazda is it?
It’s a 2021 Toyota Corolla hatchback. Toyota has reaaaalllyyy cranked the sporty look. Love it soooo much. She’s my baby.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ve been looking for a car that you can actually see out the back windows. I’m with everybody else on narrow-minded bigots. They need to mind their own business. I heard Charlaine Harris say in a talk that she didn’t care if they burned her book, but she wanted them to pay for it first. Facebook’s misguided restriction on you makes me really glad I’m not on Facebook.
Catch all comment to sum up life: angels are fucking assholes.
LOL!!!!!! Soooo much this!!!
Facebook is full of people who can’t handle the truth. Good for you telling him to mind his own business!
Oh and also seeing you are as freaking obsessed with unicorns as I am, have you shopped this website (not affiliated just love their kitschy unicorn stuff)
I own most of the shirts. LOLOLOL
I swear I get a compliment on the Unicorns of the Apocalypse one everywhere I go, drives my more conservative husband mad XD
Those are Awesome! Thanks for the link, Tessa.
I have the “Clever Girl” tee from headline. Have had men ask why I have a dinosaur guy on it when it says girl..
Yeah. I just shake my head too. Lol
If you want a laugh, look at Austin Archer’s tictok videos (apparently posts there but I found on YouTube). So far my favorite is “You are not getting bullied” which your latest post made me think of.
Seriously excited for any of your books! Yay, RJ books!
I am so sorry about your hating 2020 and 2021 with death of people, I have the same feelings as family members have died in both of these years
If anything should have been banned, it should have been his post. It’s okay to post a prejudiced viewpoint, but God forbid you call someone on it. Sheesh.
Completely off topic, but in the interest of giving you something completely different to possibly enjoy…have you read any of Fiona Quinn’s books? If you like military romance, her Iniquus series is quite enjoyable. Minimal explicit intercourse, relatively speaking and a really good storyline that carries through the books. If you’re interested, look at the boxed sets. Start with the second one. Make sure you check the chronological order, rather than the published order. It’s worth it, and one of the books, Relic, is not in the boxed set. ?
She also co-wrote the “If you see Kay…” series. Book one was tough to get through to start with, but I laughed my way through books two through four. Badge bunny series.
Here’s hoping 2021 gets it’s act together for you and is much kinder.
Thank you, Traci
I’m really looking forward to nearly all of these books (I can’t get into the Lawrence vampires, but that’s my problem not yours 😉 ), but please take care of yourself and don’t burn out.
About the Riftking books – I guess you considered doing a Kickstarter? I would pledge instantly.
Kickstarter’s are a huge amount of stress
And work. I’ll probably just do a tip jar on PayPal and leave an option that way. I considered it, but they hugely interrupt my ability to work, they’re hugely expensive to operate, and fulfillment is my
personal nightmare.
I’m going to miss the pre-orders, but I will have patience(Very difficult) and look for your new books. I enjoy reading your posts, as well as your books. Seems to me that FB doesn’t like adults who correct misbehaving spoiled children.
I agree that I will miss pre-orders, simply because they give me “happy countdowns” to look forward to. But your 2022 schedule looks extremely generous to me, as one of your readers! Thank you, in advance!!!
I am happy to read whatever you write, whenever you get it to us!
Holy Holy I love your writing! Whether it’s your books or your newsletter!!!! Thank you!
YAY!!! I am sitting in the middle of the week from Hell, but your upcoming release list has made me very happy. Thank you!
I’m thrilled to see the books that you listed for next year! Thank you so much for making my day!
So… Is that then book 3 in the booked for series? I’m not able to access my pre orders atm so idk when Booked For Kidnapping is coming… Is that the one releasing on Tuesday? July 27th? I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience! 2021 has basically sucked all the way around for me too! Have a great week! ?
July 27th is Client from Hell. September 7 is Booked for Kidnapping.
Hi R.J.! I know you are very stressed and very very busy, but is there any updates on Jesse Alexander book 3? It’s ok if you don’t 🙂 but I just wanted to ask anyways since I am such a big fan of the series. I love your books, looking forward to all your new releases 🙂 🙂
Not at this point; I have older series I need to wrap up first, which is why JA3 didn’t make the initial list.