Following the assassination of Senator Maybelle, widespread rioting and unrest transform the presidential campaign into a lethal circus. With protests raging over the new bill, the government scrambles to restore peace and order.
Armed with a probationary private investigation license, Janette and her friends race against time to prevent the next murder. On the surface, the motive for the killings seems simple enough: the senate bill, if passed, would transform the United States into a militant dictatorship.
As hostilities around the nation intensify and the pressure of the investigation strains Janette’s relationships with her family and friends, she learns loyalty only goes so far, friendships are as easily forged as they are broken, and justice means little to those determined to preserve their personal liberties.
But when a murder attempt turns into a kidnapping, she’s left with one choice: uncover the truth, or die trying.
You can purchase Booked for Kidnapping at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo! Paperback editions are available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Here is a tiny teaser for your enjoyment…
Funerals for the rich and famous baffled me. In one final attempt to promote Senator Maybelle’s causes, her campaign hosted a memorial in the park where she’d been murdered. As the campaign wanted to draw as many eyes as possible to their final event while leaving the senator’s reputation intact, I’d been given an invitation to attend as a special guest—a guest who might be able to shake hands with the other potential victims and get a closer look at those who might have killed the woman.
As such, I couldn’t refuse, not if I wanted to bring her murderers to justice.
Exactly nobody in my life wanted me to attend the memorial, as in their opinion, I transformed myself from a good Samaritan into a target—a target trapped in a wheelchair and easy pickings for just about anyone. The argument, which had begun within five minutes of receiving the invitation and continued until the morning of the memorial, had accomplished one thing: nobody in my life was pleased with me.
The wheelchair part of things annoyed the hell out of me, as healing my labored lungs had come at a price involving an infection I battled with antibiotics rather than my magic. Until my lungs could operate without me constantly oxygenating my blood, I wore a bracelet meant to keep my magic from doing any more than the bare minimum required for survival. The treatments worked; in the weeks since I’d been shot at the rally, my lungs recovered ahead of schedule. If all continued to go well, they’d be close to functional within a month.
The infection in my foot plus the battered state of my lungs had become the foundation for my friends and family protesting my involvement with the funeral.
I understood their point. While they wanted to find the truth, my friends and family refused to pursue justice at the cost of my safety.
We disagreed, and as they refused to bend, I’d accepted the campaign’s offer of transportation to and from the event, refusing to speak to any of them until they understood I needed justice more than I needed my personal safety.
Most didn’t care about justice, and after the shock of her assassination wore off, the truth had begun to spread. The investigation into her murder brought the woman’s social sins and prejudices to the front page of most newspapers. With the public aware of her support of a bill meant to send people like me to our inevitable deaths, the lines between justice and self-preservation blurred.
While my on-going survival mattered, I couldn’t help but feel we had missed something critical about the murders and the killers’ motives.
Happy reading, everybody!
And for the concerned… no, Booked for Kidnapping is not brutally dark like License to Kill. This is a five book slow burn series. Promise. I need Janette around for three more books! She’s safe…ish. Yes, ish. I’m just a jerk sometimes when I write a book description.
A message from the feline sponsors:
Zazzle: I will pose for you like I’m a French girl should everyone buy the female’s book. Here is a sample of my French girl posing skills. Aren’t they amazing?

Please forgive the human’s bad photography skills, as I’m obviously flawless.
Princess: Do the right thing, humans.

I deliberately waited until today to place my B&N order just for this book. Happy birthday to me!
Zazzle, your posing skills ARE flawless.
Oh, and Princess, I am off to do the right thing right now.
Not sure if you are aware but google play in Australia still does not have client from hell available for purchase but booked for kidnapping is, strange.
Yes, I’m aware. Google Play is the devil and I often have technical difficulties with it. I haven’t had the energy to get Client to work in GP yet.
The only reason Booked got up was because it, for a rare change, didn’t put up a fight the first try.
Just finished reading Booked For Kidnapping. I will languish waiting for the thrilling conclusion. Perhaps I’ll find a kitten to keep my company.
It’s five books, so you’ll have a bit of a wait /giggle
Just finished the book last night and really enjoyed it. The system issues just keep getting deeper and deeper for the whole bunch. Seriously enjoyed how this part of the story played out.