First, Plaidypus will not have its price changed until someone submits errors through Amazon’s tool.
Initially, I was going to wait until January 1, 2023 to implement the price change from $5.99 to $6.99. Thanks to people reporting errors to Amazon, I have changed my mind. As Amazon insists on forcing me to spend time on their schedule, people who use the retailers rather than my patreon will end up carrying the burden of the price for additional work, having to interrupt my schedule, etc.
The first books to be changed are in the Vigilante Magical Librarians series, as one of the books in the series was hit with the armchair editors.
So, as books are hit with the unrequested armchair editors, the books in the series will have queued changes added to the book, and the price will be immediately raised to $6.99 (or the equivalent increase for shorter works.)
If you want to preorder Moon Tamed, I recommend you do so soon, as the book’s preorder price is changing to $6.99 within the next week to account for the amount of extra work I’m having to do due to Amazon’s policies and readers who feel a need to report/tattle-tale to a vendor.
(Let’s just say the latest reporter had an accuracy rate of a hair over 50% accurate. If they were an editor I’d hired, they would have been fired.)
And that’s that. I can’t beat Amazon’s system, so at least I will get paid a little closer to worth the while for dealing with these armchair editors.
I recommend you sign up for the per release Patreon if you like my books. Due to how Patreon works, it’s a “you will get all books I write moving forward”, but you’ll get the book a little early and at a discount of $1 per book.
Due to someone on Patreon having pirated Plaidypus, I am also changing my mind on the time I release new books. I cannot take the risk associated with 4-6 months in advance if the first trial run resulted in people pirating and sharing the book. 3-7 days I can do, as the damage is minimal.
But, thanks to an unethical reader who decided it was a good idea to share Plaidypus on my discord server, nobody will be receiving the books in advance now.
I am still debating on the issue of audiobooks and print books releasing at the same time. I may still move forward with that, but we’ll see.
Thank you for your understanding.
Pfui; scum gotta scum, I guess. Sorry to hear you have these scum hitting out at you.
And this is why we can’t have nice things. I’m in the middle of Plaidypus and am loving the dialogue and, and, and… I also just saw there’s another anthology coming out August 1st. In addition to the “Dogs” anthology, are there any others? Or did I miss a post?
Haters gotta hate and be stupid… where can I preorder the Amazon version of moon tamed? Unfortunately I have to read everything digitally due to my old eyesight sucking the life out of my brain and I need the larger font on my iPad instead of a hard copy old school book..
Read your comment. The book Moon Tamed is on Amazon under Audrey Greene showing December 6, 2022 as the release date. Hope that helps.
This is ridiculous. Not that you are raising prices because $6.99 is still a good price (I pay way more than that for certain authors) but that people still insist on reporting errors to Amazon instead of you (or just ignoring them, like I do). And that someone on Patreon, something we pay to belong to so you can have some writing time, pirated a book is unacceptable. I don’t buy pirated copies, I don’t share (I might buy another copy and give to another person), and I don’t understand how anyone can do this. I’m so mad at these people and I’m not the author. I can only imagine how Bailey on a napalm bender spitting mad you must be. You’ll always have people like me, your loyal otter’s and I hope we can bring a little light into the dark world of thieves for you.
I swear, I have agreed with reporting a book and the only reason was that the book was released with the author’s notes to self, the characters were unnamed, and some of the sentences just…weren’t. It was an accidental upload, I’m certain and the myriad of negative reviews probably hurt just as much. I would NEVER report a book for typos. I’m a huge fan of an author that is notorious for incorrect spelling, incorrect homonyms, and other mistakes. I just read by them. Why do people need to be jerks?
Honestly… in that case, I would have approached the author but not Amazon, but I definitely would have gone through the effort to locate the author so they could do an emergency fix!
Really, so many people have no respect and no understanding. I support you and the changes you are making. Your books are gifts that keep giving and are enjoyable so I will happily wait for release dates. If the price were to go up for your books in a manner to directly benefit you, great! Please don’t let the turkeys get you down.
Sorry about the armchair idiots with too much time on their hands. And really HATE the thief who ruined the release of Plaidypus. Any price increase to support your furry family(& the husband) is good..
I am so sorry that you have had all these troubles.
This really stinks for you. And I really hope you could identify the Patreon customer who pirated Plaidypus and kick them out! I completely understand your need to raise prices and change release timing.
Let me get this straight: In order to save $1 per book by joining Patreon, and, say, 6 books are released a year, then at the least expensive membership level ($21.60-6) it will actually cost ($15.40 / 6) an extra $3.59 per book. I’m not sure how this is supposed to be better for your fans. All this hand-waving-freak-outery is because of typos. Just that, typos, which should be caught preferably before publishing. I love your books, they can lift my mood up anytime I’m down. But I don’t love this. At all. It’s wrecking all the crazy shenanigans. Get an editor, if you can’t afford it, ask around your fan base. Offer to throw random chapters at Patreon members to proofread. (After they sign an NDA) We pay for your books for enjoyment, for escapism from this rather sucky world we live in. The drama isn’t helping. Please, take a step back, take a deep breath, and remember at the end of the day why you do what you do. But by all means, stop blaming others for mistakes you made.
Lol no, the patreon is per book and readers are only charged when the book releases.
I am sorry you don’t understand what you’re talking about.
One book = 5.99 on patreon plus sales tax.
You are thinking of a monthly one which i also do have.
I’m talking about the cost of being a Patreon which can be purchased monthly or yearly for a small discount. So if you publish six books per year and give the buyer a one dollar discount per book. Yes or no?
That patreon is not what is being discussed. The monthly patreons use a totally different system. The Patreon I linked is per release, not per month, and is $5.99 per release. $5.99 x1 book is $5.99, which is $1 cheaper than buying at retail. The per month patreon has a completely different set of perks they receive for monthly contributions and is not a valid comparison. It is NOT on me if users decide to use the per month patreon for the other offerings, and is not a consideration on pricing for the per RELEASE patreon, which is set at $5.99.
You also do NOT have the option to discount the per release patreon. It is paid for by creation, and as such, patreons are ONLY charged when a book releases. You’re comparing apples to oranges. The per month patreon is NOT what people should be using if they only want books. It has a lot of other things available to them, including book clubs, backlist read alongs, future book read alongs, q&as, etc. The per release patreon ONLY gives readers a copy of the book. That’s it, that’s all.
And no, the price changes accounts for the additional staff I have to maintain and manage.
I am not sorry for covering my expenses. Books are not free to write, and I deserve to be able to feed my family and pay my staff fairly.
This tool of Amazon ultimately costs a lot of money because nothing is free.
First, I love your books. ‘Fur bikini’ and ‘yams and chicken’ never fails to put a smile on my face. I have never reported a typo either to you or Amazon. I am shamefaced at not understanding how Patreon works for you. Amazon does suck, but unfortunately the stupid ‘buy it now button’ is the devil incarnate. (Not Satin, the other one). Still kinda caught up with typos. I guess that’s my bad. Hell, the whole post was stupid (mine, not yours). I apologize.
That’s all right. Patreon is confusing for people, especially since I have two. IF I was talking about the other one, you would have been absolutely correct in how the math works. It’s new, and there’s a learning curve for new things. I understand that!
The typos issue is SO bad. The amount of money I lose yearly because of the grammar nazis is ridiculous. (And there’s a reason we say nobody likes a nazi!)
So, you are complaining because things aren’t being done to your liking? This makes you a part of the problem. Do you know how hard it is to self publish books that you write? My daughter is doing it just like R.J. Blain. I have witnessed the whole process. After the time spent writing it in the first place, she reads through and edits it multiple times herself before she submits it for copyright. The copyright process can take up time depending on how busy the copyright office is. Once they get yhe copyright, the book gets formated and then edited again. Before publishing, they with do one last edit for errors. Then it will get published. Once it’s published it gets bought and people buy it and read it. Then some people think it’s ok to complain about and nitpick what they are reading. They don’t realize that the writer’s go back to their previously written books to correct any errors that slpped through the cracks. And I mean real errors, not perceived errors. After published works have been read, some people report the book for errors that aren’t errors but the author has to physically address each reported error. Amazon is the worst for hiw this is handled. This is frustrating and takes valuable time. And let’s not forget the pirating. R.J. Blain has found a solution that works for her. And you apparently don’t understand the Patreon (I do not belong to the Patreon but I understand it), so you bi*** and complain about paying $1.00 more per book and her editing!!!!!! (go buy a mass produce book by any publisher. Mistakes are there.). This woman doesn’t write for you, me or anyone else. She writes because it is what she loves to do. She just chooses to share her writing with us. You should be grateful that she does. So, get off your high horse and show some respect.
I’ll answer to Ms Blaine, not to those who call me a bi***. That is completely uncalled for.
Many times these ‘typos’ are not typos. RJ uses the Canadian spelling for many words. Americans write Color. Canadians write Colour. Some Americans get their panties in a bunch about RJ using the Canadian spelling and want her to change it all to American. By the way, she spent some of her school years in Canada. Other of these ‘typos’ are readers who don’t want X and Y together, but want X and K together. They want this ‘corrected’. Other ‘typos’ are because the reader wanted RJ to release a book in series A, but she choose to release a book in series B. Again others have a religious problem with the Angels and triads. They want RJ to fix this. Roll eyes.
Now, there are a few mistakes in the books. When I find them, I report them to RJ on her web page. That way she can fix them when she has time, not when she has a deadline and Amazon insists she fixes the non-typos right away. So she has to stop all her other work and justify why the she chose to use colour instead of color.
Amazon can tear towards and forwards and backwards out of my cold, dead hands. 🙂
I appreciate all your efforts to cope with nit-pickers and pirates and to juggle the demands of voracious fans and determined characters, all the while dealing with your own anxiety. It’s a lot. You’re incredibly ingenious in thinking up solutions and generous in sharing them, while maintaining accountability and accessibility to your fans.
Is there a pre-order link for Moon Tamed? I have been unable to find it on Amazon. Thank you
Look for Moon Tamed by Audrey Greene. I will do a follow up post a little later with links and explaining the economics of my decision to change prices.
Wow, I am so sorry you’re having these problems (both the old ones and the new ones with pirating). And, may I add, the SHEER STUPIDITY of pirating something…and then posting it on the author’s own Discord?! Like, it’s bad enough you’re a thief, but now you are also an incompetent thief and that’s just doubling down man.
Good for you. You deserve to paid for your work like anyone else. If extra work is required due to someone else, you should be paid for it.
Love your books under any name you have. You tell me where to go and I went. Patreon is now part of my day.
One question. Are you releasing Susan or Bernadette and Audrey through Patreon?
The per release Patreon will get all books (non anthology) that I pen regardless of pen name. 🙂
Also, the monthly patreon tiers ($10 or higher) also get all books I’ve written that aren’t anthologies.
I already have everything. Just waiting on the new. ?
People can really, truly suck! I’m so sorry that happened with Plaidypus.
What a b@stard! Pirating is straight up theft. There are still good people in the world, I swear.
I am so sorry to hear this! I love your books. The magical rom-coms have become my favorite comfort books. I fully support what you are doing, and hope things get better. Hang in there.