Hey, folks.
After a rather stressful (and entertaining-for-the-cats) sort of day, I have figured out how to solve my bundling issues! I have gotten payhip for direct sales to work. As such, there are now book bundles of the Mag Rom Com series available with a $1 discount per book. Currently, the bundles are of individual books, but I am working on single volume collections for those who want to read bundles in one nice, neat, and tidy file.
Here are the details, as found on the series page (which is new):
Bundle #1: Playing with Fire, Hoofin’ It, Hearth, Home, and Havoc, Serial Killer Princess, and Whatever for Hire: $19.95 ($5 discount): Direct from Author Only. This set is currently only available as individual files. Single ebook volumes coming soon.
Bundle #2: Owl Be Yours, Last but not Leashed, No Kitten Around, Fowl Play, and Blending In: $16.95 ($5 discount): Direct from Author Only. This set is currently only available as individual files. Single ebook volumes coming soon.
Bundle #3: Cheetahs Never Win, Burn, Baby, Burn, Double Trouble, Grave Humor, A Chip on Her Shoulder: $23.95 ($5 discount): Direct from Author Only. This set is currently only available as individual files. Single ebook volumes coming soon.
Bailey/Quinn Trilogy: Playing with Fire, Burn, Baby, Burn, and the Flame Game: $14.97 ($3 discount): Direct from Author Only. This set is currently only available as individual files. Single ebook volumes coming soon.
The rest of my series will be getting bundles once they are either completed or, like the Mag Rom Com series, can be bundled in five book chunks. Yes, the Royal States will be getting a bundle as soon as I get it set up. It’s a lengthy process getting everything set up.
Due to Amazon’s rules, individual books must be priced at the same price as on Amazon. But, I can do bundles and price those however I want as I am no longer offering bundles on Amazon.
To use the epub files, you need to make use of the send-to-kindle function. (It’s easy. Log into your Amazon account, go to Content and Devices, and get your @kindle email address. Email the epub files to yourself. They will go into your doc library permanently, so you won’t even have to worry about sideloading every time you change devices, just switch to docs and download from the cloud.)
As always, thank you so much for your support.
As far as gifting goes, I believe you can just plug in your friend’s email address, pay for the books, and they should be emailed with instructions on how to download the book from both payhip and bookfunnel. But… I have not tested this yet. I need to, but I ran out of energy.
I will test this soon and change directions if that DOESN’T work…
Anyway, thanks so much, and hope you all appreciate the direct sales option. Yes, new releases will be available for direct sales. Patreon will still receive the book 3-7 days before everybody else via bookfunnel, but I will load up the direct sales option on release day, so if you prefer direct sales, I have you covered!
Please enjoy this picture of Zazzle making sure her mommy doesn’t leave while she snoozes.

Zazzle seems to be happy. I have left Amazon and have B&N, Kobo, Apple books and BookFunnel, Story Origin and Prolific Books. Thanks for the book bundles.
Yeah, she LOVES bedtime cuddles. She either gets on me or snuggles up to my arm and uses me as a pillow. She is a totally different cat from the shy shelter animal. She’s still shy and skittish, but she’s made of love the rest of the time!
I really enjoy your bundles. The local library has the first bundle, which is how I started reading everything you write.
I’ve always gotten your books from Barnes and Noble. Will you no longer be selling on this platform. I have personal issues with Amazon and kindle so I won’t buy from them. Mainly that they refused to take action when my sister reported that others was stealing and selling her copyrighted work. I also use KoBo. Do you sell your books on this platform?
Yes, my books will continue to be sold on Barnes and Noble and at Kobo. I sell at all major platforms.
I have more than one Kindle (long story) and frequently switch from one to another even within a single book. To get epub docs to each kindle do I have to make multiple purchases of the same book since I’m pretty sure each Kindle has a different Kindle email address. I would prefer supporting you via Patreon, but couldn’t get the Mobi files to work, even with help, therefore I still use Amazon (Pr*cks that they are).
If you upload to your @kindle.com email address, it will auto load them into your cloud. Just download them into the cloud. Amazon is removing .mobi functionality, which is why I told people to get the epubs. You have to send to kindle to use them.
Thank you so much for the reply and information. I’ll give it another (some more) try (tries).
I love your books and right after I finished Plaidypus I started the MagRomCom (with a body count) series at the beginning for another read through. That was about a week ago and I’m up to Cheetahs Never Win. Then I’ll reread the Librarians again. Can’t hardly wait for the next one in that series. I don’t remember if that or Outfoxed was my first one of yours that I read. Whichever one it was, I’m hooked. Thank you. I haven’t started the Lowrance or Royal Princess series yet, but I think I have almost all of your other books. Stay safe, stay sane, stay healthy.
I’ll write a post with screenshots to explain the entire process to help people adapt to the changes. <3 I use send-to-kindle all the time because the docs stay in the cloud forever, so I never lose access to those files.
So basically, the licenses work like this: you buy a copy of a book, you can have that book on however many reading devices are YOURS. It’s your book. It’s not one copy on one device. It’s your book, if you want to put it on the phone, etc, that’s great. Read on however many devices you own. The license basically says “It is yours, not to be sent to anyone who is not you.”