If you want to buy the book at $6.99, you need to either preorder it or purchase it on release day (May 16, 2023.) I will not be delaying the length-induced price change, so expect the process to begin early in the morning on May 17.
Why the price increase? $6.99 is what I charge when the books range between roughly 80,000 to 120,000 words. The book is 145,000 words. Due to the extra length, there were a lot of additional expenses, so… price change is necessary.
Please make certain you either preorder or purchase on release day if you wish to take advantage of the $6.99 pricing.
Print editions will be delayed by roughly 2 weeks. I will be working on the actual files to send to my designer next week, and I expect it’ll take her 1-2 weeks to get it done, then it needs to go through various distribution channels.
Sorry about that.
Where to buy: Amazon | Barnes & Nobles | Kobo | Apple Books

Single, female lycanthrope: check.
Bills to pay: check.
A bounty for the hottest single lycanthrope on the block: check.
As the sole holdout of the corporate buyout of her apartment building, Joyce Gray is determined to transform her stubborn pride into a masterpiece in order to stay off the streets. Dipping her hands into the dark world of bounty hunting would give her the funds needed to find a new home, somewhere safe from the wolf who’d infected her with the lycanthropy virus.
On the surface, the job is simple. For a period of three days, she must keep Wayne Barnes from returning to the New York City area. The owner of the corporation determined to reduce her apartment complex to rubble has a reputation of being straitlaced and playing for keeps. Worse, her virus is ready to roll over to have her belly rubbed and enjoy some positive and intimate attention.
But with twenty thousand on the table and a chance to get ahead for once in her life, she’s prepared to get her hands dirty no matter the cost.
What she doesn’t know will change her life and plunge her into the murky depths of the black market, where secrets are worth more than money, life is cheap, and anything can be purchased for a price.
For convenience, here’s where you can buy the book:
Amazon | Barnes & Nobles | Kobo | Apple Books
Audiobook version has been booked with the voice actress, although it’ll be a while. (Sorry about that.)
Got mine and I’m about halfway through. I’m loving it and tempted to cite parts I particularly like, but the only spoilerh I’ll put in is that the butler did it! (Nah, no butler. Not yet, anyways.)
I love Joyce! Working on my second reread to catch some of the details I missed, and you’ve done an amazing job of expanding her story from the original.
Thanks for the heads-up on the print delay; it’s appreciated.
Love all your books. They are a joy to read!