Amazon has struck again in the form of a reader, who was very probably trying to be helpful without understanding the damage they’re doing. (I REALLY understand that most readers who use this tool are trying to help. The reality is… good intentions, shit roads.)
As such, I’m thinking about making some significant changes to how I publish in the future. This is what is being considered:
For all books currently up for preorder…
1: I would be moving all Amazon release dates back a month. (and I am seriously considering cancelling all Amazon preorders and doing live releases when the new editor is done each book.)
2: All other vendors will remain at the same price and release date, with my standard editor team (currently two paid, professional editors and my proofreading team) being used.
3: I will use the payhip store to allow people to purchase directly from me, which will open on release day. (This uses bookfunnel, so people who do use kindle can acquire the book and read on their kindles. Smashwords would also be available, which allows books to be read on kidnles.)
4: When Amazon’s version is released, all vendor prices will be increased by a dollar. Should extra typos be located, errors will be corrected.
There would be no more Amazon preorders.
The increase of price represents the additional editor I will now have to hire because of this “error reporting” tool. (5.99 to 6.99, 6.99 to 7.99, 7.99 to 8.99…) While the book is getting edited again to limit how “helpful” readers can be on Amazon, the other vendors will be able to sell the book. (This would be another editing pass on top of what I’m doing.) (And I literally just hired another editor like two months ago to help with this, now I’m going to have to hire ANOTHER one on top of the ones I already have.) Because yes, it would be a thousand extra to hire that additional editor, and I raised book prices last time to account for the higher expenses… I wouldn’t be getting any extra money at the end of the day with the price increase. I would be breaking even for the most part… (I don’t sell THAT many copies of my books, y’all… I’m not a NY Times bestseller… and most times, I hadn’t been able to hit USA Today, either… I HAVE hit it, but that’s the exception not the rule…)
My staff needs to be paid… and yes, I need to be paid, too.
Amazon currently pays the least per copy, pays the slowest, and has this tool, which puts negative flags on my account when used. (And yes, these readers might get books removed from sale on Amazon due to the report tool being used. Amazon has two methods of addressing errors: (1) they flag the book as being poor quality (2) they remove the book from sale.
You have likely noticed that I no longer offer boxed sets of books, which a lot of people used to enjoy.
Readers reporting errors had gotten the Beginning set removed from sale. (The threshold is pretty low for sales removal, and it does not account for length of the book. It goes by raw numbers. So a very long book, like Beginnings, may have more reports on it just due to length, and get removed from sale.)
Being constantly threatened by a vendor (aka, they threaten they’ll remove our books from sale) because of unverified reader reports (and yes, revenge reports are a thing), is well, miserable.
Would I like to do this? Not particularly. It’s a lot of extra work, I already have $2,000+ in editorial bills on most books. Having to increase this number again (and find another paid editor to add to the process) is a nightmare for me. An expensive nightmare that means fewer books may be produced, as I don’t underpay my editors… they’re working hard for the money, and they deserve a fair pay. Each editor needs a few weeks (usually a month) to go through the book, although sometimes it is quicker, especially if there isn’t a line for the editor.
So, going to $2,000ish for an editorial bill for a book up to $3,000ish for an editorial bill for a book really means that the projects that don’t make as much money can’t be done as frequently, and I will need to adjust my entire game plan for how I release books moving forward.
And then series that don’t sell well? Well, they will take even LONGER to get done, because I need to release more books that pay for those heightened bills.
I take home less than 30% of what I earn right now, between expenses and taxes. Losing an extra thousand a book because of Amazon is not my idea of a good time.
The delay between the other vendors and Amazon would let me, at least, keep publishing on a semi-brisk schedule rather than just move everything back and having to start charging more to everyone again.
And if I could just leave Amazon’s prices a dollar more than elsewhere, I would… but I cannot. That is against Amazon’s policies. (I literally can’t mark anywhere lower than Amazon unless the book is a completely different edition with different content. I could, for example… have a short story exclusive to all other vendors and charge a dollar less for that edition, as it has different content in the book. But if the books are identical, I have to charge the same exact price.)
I am SO very tired of being threatened by Amazon because a reader reported errors in their system.
And yes, I am truly at the end of my rope regarding this system, and Amazon only cares about Amazon, not about the authors. They take the highest cut of any direct vendor… and they offer the least benefits of working with them in addition to the slowest payments.
And yes… Amazon’s tool is going to result in books releasing more slowly, and I’m seriously considering canceling preorders and completely revisiting how to do this career. This has gotten out of hand, it’s horrible for my mental and emotional health… and NOBODY is paid enough to put up with this sort of shit.
I had not budgeted needing to hire yet another editor to do yet another proofreading pass on my books. I’d only budgeted to hire one extra.
But with this tool? It’s going to get to the point, sooner than later, where something has to change. That something may be releasing everywhere but Amazon first and rewarding the non-abusive vendors with rights to sell the book, with Amazon getting the leftovers a few weeks later.
If this plan bothers you, I recommend contacting Amazon customer service and complaining, bitterly, to Amazon’s customer service team over the tool, how it is driving your favorite authors from their platform, and suggesting it should be gotten rid of because Amazon is a distributor/vendor, not a publisher/editor.
I’m thinking about it.
Please note that I understand that most of the readers making use of the tool believe they are helping authors without understanding how much damage they’re doing.
I hate that tool so, so much.
And yes, today is one of those days where I really wonder if this career field is worth it. Will I quit? No.
But fuck it, I’m thinking about it really hard right now.
Working at 7-11 would suck, but at least then the hours would be set, I’d have SOME benefits, and I wouldn’t have to work after hours all the time doing my best to get everything done in a timely fashion.
And yes, I worked on my birthday because of Amazon. No, I’m not happy about it. There is nothing happy about working on my 40th birthday because readers have a tool allowing them to report errors.
if you don’t understand why I’m upset over this issue, put yourself in my shoes a little.
Would YOU like having to stop having a good time on your birthday to address reader error reports on Amazon’s schedule rather than yours? Because we’re on a time limit to correct those errors, and it’s a very short one… and we don’t get a say in how we correct those errors.
Per Amazon, who rejected my rejections this morning.
I’m really just ready to quit, all because of a vendor’s error reporting tool.
Quit selling on Amazon. We will find another way to buy your books. We love your books and will follow you wherever you decide to sell them.
I agree. Amazon sucks.
If there’s any way to stop selling by Amazon, do it, in which way you find possible and profitable. I have absolutely no problem with you raising the price of a book because the situation you find yourself in. People can save up bit by bit to make it possible for them to buy and read your books. It’s not a book a month (although your readers – me also – then would jump up from happiness), so still manageable. When I’m back in Holland, I will send a big complaint to Amazon as they destroy the authors step by step.
I’m with Rose.
I’ll follow you to another platform.
It won’t matter to me where, not if it means better mental health for you, and more money in your pockets.
My word! (Utilized as euphemism for what I’ thinking.) I’m sorry to hear that this idiocy is ongoing, and so fast. Not that I expect any results, but I will send off a nastygram to the smouldering boulders involved.
I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with these asshats. I read your books to enjoy your incredible imagination and the worlds you create. I recommend your books to everyone I know who reads fantasy fiction.
Personally, I purchase your books through Barnes and Noble and prefer my Nook app to a Kindle. Is there any way you just use B&N instead and give Amazon a double barrel middle finger? If you have to raise the price of your books to make a living, then that is what you have to do and if people whine – serve them some cheese to go with it. Thank you for your candidness in sharing your frustrations with us. Please know that you are greatly appreciated and beloved… even by those of us who don’t really know how to show it.
RJ – I am very sorry to hear of the problems you are encountering. I read a book a day (or more) and I see errors all the time. My eyes see it but the brain ignores it. It doesn’t change the story. A good written story is good no matter the errors. I agree that Amazon is a losing proposition. I am sorry for your issues.
I hope that you will not give up on us. There are many of us who love your writing and .luck forward to new books. I just finished the Royal States books again for the 4th time in preparation for the new book (which I do have).
Good luck.
The “best” part is, 40-60% of the “errors” people THINK they are seeing… aren’t really errors at all. They’re how people speak and think.
Errors exist because PEOPLE work on these books… OOF.
Please don’t quit writing! Otherwise, do what you need to do.
Please don’t stop writing. Using alternative payhip or Smashwords sounds good due to ability to use Kindle application to read.
Happy Birthday! I’m enjoying reading Doggone Mess. You’ve done a great job of expanding it. I honestly haven’t noticed any errors in the book and I was a HS English teacher I think some people need to get a life.
I try very, very hard to release as clean a product as absolutely possible. It’s soul sucking, but I WANT people to have a good experience with my books…
Dang, that sucks. For once, I think I will have to send a letter to Amazon. If this issue is causing you this much issue, it must be the same for many of the other authors on kindle as well. They should not be allowing readers to put themselves in the editors chair like this, especially when they know not what they do! Sorry for the heart ache they are causing you.?
R. J., can you share any other authors who feel as you do? Thinking that might make a bigger impact when I contact Amazon CS. Belated happy birthday!
I mean, I know plenty who do, but I also don’t want to call out names without their permission, either. On facebook, look up “error reporting tool Amazon” and scroll. It will show you you and your friends first, but if you select anyone and timelines you should be able to see posts from other authors eventually.
Understand completely. I’ll give the FB suggestion a try, thanks!
I am sorry you had such a shitty birthday. Please don’t quit – you are my favorite author & a new release always sparks a binge read of older books. I joined your patreon just for this reason (to bypass Amazon). And I say go for not having pre orders on Amazon & releasing to them after everyone else.
I hate to say it but I support your delaying amazon. They are ridiculous. I love your books. I knew the wait was going to be worth it and oh it so very much was worth it.
I’ll make sure people have ways to access the books on their kindle readers… just not paying Amazon to do it, too.
Please don’t quit writing just quit Amazon.
Sorry Amazon is so abusive.
The Amazon pre-order system is the scheme that works best for me but your emotional and financial health takes precedence.
Do as you must for your own health.
I will buy your books when they come out, however they come out.
And I will NEVER use the Amazon error reporting tool for you or any other author.
Generally I just skip past typos and word choice issues. Perhaps once a year I hit something that made a sentence or paragraph difficult to understand.
Do you have a mechanism that allows me to report those to you ??
Yep. It’s in the menu of the website. I think it’s called “Found a Typo?”
Happy birthday. I am so sorry that this is happening and spoiling yhe books that give so much pleasure.
And I should have proof read that.
I”m fine if you pull Amazon pre-orders; I also get your books from the Patreon link. I just get the Amazon one for some minor formatting improvements in the Kindle reader on my tablet. (and that is probably another Amazon ‘feature not a bug’). You don’t need to deal with their problems.
Just tell us where to go and get your books that’s is the best for you. Love you!
I am fine purchasing on Kobo, smashwords, bookfunnel delivery, etc. (I am one of the ones that said I generally purchase audiobooks on Audible)…. It is much easier to download and ebook and side load on an ereader than it is to get an audiobook from non-audible onto an MP3 player.
Perhaps if you need to have the books different from Amazon to have different prices, you could have boxed sets on other ebook retailers, each with an additional short novella. 🙂
Amusingly… if I were to put books up on audible (pending the test I’m doing of some books in the Royal States series), Amazon would STILL get those last because they’re SO slow about processing/releasing audiobooks on their platform!
Incentive for people who like your work to support your work elsewhere, I like it!
Amazon suck, I only stay with them for the shipping on items from overseas being free because of where I live. I read your books on apple as much as I can. I do however like the ease of use with audible vs what apple is trying to pull. ….they look like they are trying to force people into being subscribed only and I like to do things as I can afford. On audible I would save credits for when favourite author releases were happening. But I hated that I had to be subscribed for that too. I liked authors direct and will look into the others you have lined up because I adore your work. It helps me stay motivated and keeps me sane but ultimately, please do whatever keeps you sane. I have a role where I can’t get away from other’s comments about how imperfect my work/life is and it has made my physical health hard, not just mental, please just be healthy for your own self and hubby. Forget about reader preferences or anything else if it comes down to your life or people’s preferences. You matter. Whatever happens in the future, I’m so glad you wrote Null and void, Hypnos, Jesse Alexander’s books, the fox books and so many more. They in particular have lit something incredible inside me when life was trying to blow me out.
You are awesome.
Do what is best for you. Your readers will find you, especially since you put so much effort into transparency.
I will follow you to other vendors. That simple. I love what you write. Again, that simple. Not a pro but willing to edit. I am a full time caregiver. I have four hours every day I can devote to this. Let me know.
Hmm. Can you include a link at the back of your books that somehow links to a nicer error tool of your choice? I know this is an on-going problem for you and other authors. This is my only big idea and I realize it’s not a great idea! No need to reply!
It’s okay. I appreciate it. People don’t tend to usually read the notes at the end of the book all that much. So it might help with some but we’re not allowed to disparage amazon, and just telling people the tool is there won’t help much, because you’re not really allowed to talk smack about the vendor rofl
Do what you need to do. If Amazon sucks, ditch them. I want you healthy and enjoying writing(because I selfishly want more books!)
I agree with Valerie. Do what is best for you. If you do ditch Amazon I hope you will suggest another vendor so I can still keep getting your books as I thoroughly enjoy them
Personally, Kobo is going to be my vendor of choice moving forward.
And the authors I really like that are wide will get repurchased there.
Happy belated birthday. I’m so sorry that amazon managed to bring so much negativity on your birthday, and other days.
I have no problem with you shifting amazon to the end of the distribution line. I get the books primarily through patreon, love the author’s note. If I have any spare change I’ll also buy the book off kobo since I would like them to stay in business.
Hope you finally got the chance to do something fun and positive.
And I have no idea why my comment ended up where it did when I thought I was posting at the end of all the other comments. Technology and I today are not on good terms. Hopefully better tomorrow.
You and me both… so many tech difficulties today!!
So sorry Amazon is being huge____(favorite swear) muffins. Do what you need too, go wherever works for you. Your people will follow. I have a Kindle fire, but have been reading in book funnel and it’s easy to use. If I’m buying your audiobooks (Hoopla first) chirp or Spotify both work fine.
There are so many options you could put in front of muffin, too, which makes that one even more fun.
I too have stopped pre-ordering and become part of the patron.
Amazon sucks. I do not like kindle at all and that is all they offer. I buy my books (Including the pre-order for your next two books) from Kobo. It is a part of Walmart Books. Maybe try doing something like that. Seriously, unless I am splurging for a hardcover that matches the rest of the series I will not use Amazon, I use Kobo or the author’s store on their own webpage.
Well this is a sucky situation. I love Amazon kindle unlimited. I read so much I save money that way. However, I am NOT ok with them not paying my favorite authors a living wage for all the enjoyment those authors provide me.
So if you want to sell through book funnel, etc, please do. I’ll buy your work where you get the biggest share.
May I recommend Kobo Plus? It’s similar to Kindle Unlimited, but authors are treated substantially better.
This is just bullshit. Amazon sounds like my current boss. I honestly feel like you have an awesome following that will go with you no matter where your books are sold, and there are SO many other options. Plus, you wouldn’t have to worry as much about ratings and good reads!
I don’t usually comment, but this time I wanted to. I love your books ?I have, on my collection bookshelf at Kindle.. the count is 69. So I really don’t care about pre-orders other than the fact that I will buy any of your books you author! Right now, because of shortage of money, I’ve been relying on Kindle unlimited but if any of my authors that I want to reread, like RJ Blain, Lindsay Buroker, to only name a couple…Shelley Laurenston (GA Aiken), the list goes on… I will buy. I am finding that I am hooked on things Amazon like music, which I tend to play 24/7, and because of said money restrictions, I have stopped Music Unlimited… and I’ve found I hate plain Amazon music because of their horrible ads! ? so I understand and I have got all of your upcoming books on pre-order basically to let me know when they come out. But I don’t have to I checked daily anyway since your books come up on my main feed all the time since I’m reading them or rereading them. I have used bookfunnel for when free books are offered so that is fine with me. It is something I can understand how to do. Whatever you need to do to keep writing so that I eventually get the benefit of it when books are ready, it’s a small price for me to pay for not having to move my over 2,100 books on my Kindle bookshelf. I lost most of my 1600 Fictionwise books, when B&N bought out Fictionwise.
I would like to add that I find the report tool is very sensitive and it can be sitting there on your screen accidentally without anybody it up. If you are new to ebooks or tablets or such like and just finding your way around sometimes they can be very confusing. And that tool can come up very easily.
Just cut Amazon out?. They are not worth your time. I have been going through Barnes and Noble. Your writing brings enjoyment, laughter, and so much more in a time when it feels like there is not much of that anymore.
I don’t really want to cut them fully out, because of, well, accessibility options. I also don’t want to be held hostage to their system, however… and if Amazon has just THAT higher requirements, well… the vendors that aren’t jerkwads can get the book earlier unless they change their ways. I still want people with kindles to be able to access the books.
But…I WILL make sure to link to the places where they can get the kindle versions through bookfunnel/smashwords or similar… still accessible, Amazon doesn’t get a slice of the pie.
Just cut Amazon they are not worth it.
I’d be more than happy to purchase future books from vendors other than Amazon. Please do continue to keep us informed on who those vendors will be moving forward.
I think cancelling Amazon pre-orders and delaying release on Amazon a great idea.
Typos etc should be communicated to you directly.
Do you have a email of webpage for that?
I am happy to buy direct from author, when you get that set-up.
Anna O
There’s a spot in the menu on this site for error reports
I’m happy to buy directly from you. I’m so sorry this is happening to you again. I wrote a letter a while ago complaining about arm chair editing and told Amazon I was not happy with their tool and how abusive they are to authors and who are they to demand you fix a typo. I’ve even called out some people who are giving a review complaining about typos asking them who appointed them the Hitler (find typos) police. They don’t even care about the story. Book funnel works fine for me on my kindle that I wish I never purchased due to the way they treat their authors. I love your stories take a deep breath and just figure out what works for you. I’m a fan and will buy your books as long as I can.
Ouch!! Having just started your books, which I am thoroughly enjoying, I am so glad I have absolutely nothing to do with Amazon. I have never liked their way of doing business and especially the way they treat their staff and manufacturers. I use a Kobo and have always found them obliging and I hope they treat you reasonably as well. Thank you for your books and I do not even begrudge the lack of sleep caused by reading them to the wee early hours. Stay strong and as they are wont to do in your books, give them the finger!
Kobo treats me wonderfully!
Sorry to hear all the frustrations you are encountering with Amazon! I have in the past couple years been buying more from Apple and Chirp Books – Amazon has screwed up their search functions and I find it a chore to use the site. I also mostly get audiobooks now because I find more enjoyment listening to audio books while doing other things, and when a great book is narrated by a talented narrator, it is double enjoyment! I love your Magical Romantic Comedy series had have 12 titles so far. Your writing is funny as hell and makes me laugh out loud throughout. Please don’t let Amazon bog you down. Whatever channel you decide to use, as long as the audio version is available, I will want to read it! Looking forward to getting Doggone Mess when it comes out in Apple iBook audiobook. Take care and thank you for sharing your stories.
Please do not quit writing i so enjoy your books errors or not. If you do decide to drop amazon please review our options for getting your books. Thanks and i really enjoy all of your books they make me laugh which is good. I read using my kindle.
Please do what is most beneficial for you. If it is to leave Amazon, leave Amazon. Give yourself grace and go on with your life. I enjoy your books so much and hope that you are able to keep the stress of the non-writing portion of your job down to a minimum. I, and a host of others will purchase your books from Patreon (sp?), Kobo or whomever.
I agree with the masses. Unhappy authors equal unhappy books. I have a kindle (did kobo exist when I got it? Hmmm….) and will do my best to follow you wherever you go. I will even try being Patreon again but got error messages last time I tried. Do what makes you happy and *bleep* everyone else. Love!
Patreon requires that you have an active sub at the time the links go out, else errors happen. But Smashwords may be the better/easier option for you!
Belated happy 40th! The best is yet to come. The 40’s are incredibly creative and productive. I love your writing but will NOT buy from Amazon. B&N is my choice. If you haven’t been told recently, Your books kept me (and probably many others) going during the isolation of covid and the death of my husband. Thank you.
I’m so sorry about your spouse. ;_;
And yeah… COVID was particularly hard on me, because there were a lot who relied on books that made them feel something other than, well, despair for a while. I’m really glad the books helped, but I spent many a day crying because that was *all* I could do.
How do the big guys handle this with Amazon? Are they just torturing independent authors?
If you quit Amazon would paper copies be available elsewhere?
I won’t be quitting Amazon. I just won’t be rewarding Amazon with the non-Amazon short story, and if Amazon cleans up its act, I’ll add the shorts to the Amazon editions rofl
Yes.Please go somewhere other than Amazon.I really love all your books and I am so terribly sorry that you’re going through this.I hope everything gets better and I hope you still continue to write.Thank you.
Oh, so many valid points AGAINST Amazon for the unfriendly to authors comments. This is why I mainly use other vendors instead of Amazon for my favorite authors. Yes, I have some books from Amazon but with unfair treatment of authors, I try to look around first and only go to them if I can’t find it anywhere else. Do typos bother me? Well, sorta. But will that make me publicly announce to the world what I found? NO WAY. Keep on writing and I’ll keep on buying! In fact, I just finished rereading Rom Com for the probably third time. LOVE THESE WORLDS.