When everything isn’t on fire, I do a lot of fun things with my monthly patreon, which you can find here. I do a read along, which tends to average once a week, but sometimes has x3 a week when I’m behind and everything is on fire… like right now. (I have to finish cleaning my apartment, get a big batch of books out from the kickstarter, AND decide how we’re handling the refrigerator drama.)
The refrigerator… is working properly again. The fan has kicked back on, it’s maintaining temperature perfectly… I have zero symptoms of a problem. It just one day decided, “Fuck you, bitch!” and ruined all my food. Then it went back to good behavior. So that makes it really hard to get maintenance to FIX it… Argh, argh, argh. (Everything is on fire, everything is on fire, everything is on fire…)
You know those temperature guns used for cooking? I have one of those, so now I just shoot my fridge with a gun twice a day to make sure everything is fine… But we’re changing our food shopping ways, and we’re honestly liking it.
… wait, I just squirreled myself right off a cliff about food shopping rather than… patreon stuff.
So, the patreon.
I will be working to better write out the tier sections, as I’ve made adjustments over time. But, here’s basically how it works.
$2 tier: This is the tip jar. You get one read along project as we go, but you don’t get any copies of any books via bookfunnel, etc. You get news, and rarely, I open Q&As to everyone. You also get any short stories I write.
$5 tier: You get up to two read alongs at once, special news, some additional access to stuff over the tip jar, plus everything the tip jar gets.
$10: You get new releases from all pen names that fall in the $4.99 to $7.99 range that is not an anthology. (Note: Bonus short stories do not make something an anthology, nor do special circumstances like the 101 Ways to Die release.) Delivery (unlike the per novel) is done via a post with the files you can download AND through bookfunnel. Per novel (other) will be ONLY through a message with your bookfunnel link. This is due to how the payments work out. (The monthly patreon pays up front, the other one pays only when a charged post happens and they’re a member.) This keeps people from joining to grab the free book and then bailing with it on the per novel patreon. As people have to pay before they access on the per novel, they have access to the book just as a straight download.
$25: You get sneak peeks, pilots, etc, and some other cool shit as I decide.
$100: You get everything the previous tiers do, but you’ll occasionally get a bonus read along when I have something fun I want to pilot and/or whatever I feel. I need to get back to drawing, but y’all will get line art for coloring pages and shit like that, too.
I’m a bit cussy today, sorry.
The monthly patreon is for those who want all the perks, and I recommend you do the $10 tier unless you really want the sneak peeks and pilots, in which case the $25 tier is what you want. You know how creators will do the “Eh, nobody will do the $100 tiers, but I’ll offer it anyway?” thing? That is what happened with that tier, and it’s all cool. I’m going to see if I can do anything cool with my photography to offer special presents to those in the $100 tier. If I were to do a photography book, the $100 tier folks would be those who’d get first crack at it.
Both of my novel patreons will receive the standard vendor bonus story, plus I include a special author’s note at the end of the patreon only ones that go behind the scenes of writing the book. (They aren’t super long, but it’s just a nice tidbit I do enjoy including.)
Way back when (a very long time ago), I bought my very first house. I brought my old refrigerator from my apartment with me, and things went along nicely until one day, the fridge stopped working. I got mad and kicked the darn thing, and IT STARTED WORKING! It did it again once or twice and I fixed it with the same kick. One day, my engineer boyfriend (and soon to be husband asked me what I was doing to the fridge and I explained how I got it going. He looked at the circuit diagram and declared that I just needed a new switch thingy, but I still brag about how I, a single woman, fixed my refrigerator! Best of luck to you, and try kicking it. Worked for me!
Alas, kicking it won’t fix this one I don’t think, but I DO give the door a nice slam when it’s misbehaving, just in case…
Consider this ThermoPro Indoor Outdoor Thermometer Wireless with Temperature Sensor Up to 500FT $19.99
Put remote sensor inside fridge. Outside display always shows temp without opening fridge.
If you add another sensor, you can have one in main fridge and one in freezer.
I have one (different brand) installed for years.
I might look into that, but no lies… I do like shooting my temperature gun into the refrigerator, and then I can check temps in all quadrants of the fridge at leisure. The gun is REALLY cool…
I too have a temp gun – most often used to check if just cooked food has cooled enough to eat without mouth injury.
You can buy fridge temperature monitors. I have them after a few incidents. They even will beep if your fridge/freezer temp goes too high.
If it is like mine it will heat up again in a week. What caused the problem was the cooling element frosted over and the fridge died. Then the frosted over part thawed so fridge worked. Until it frosted over again, repeat until repaired with parts that worked. The fridge had a timer thingy that started the defrost cycle twice in 24 hours, that timer plus the defrost unit were replaced to cure all ills. Your mileage may vary, ?
It’s been 5 days with flawless operation so far, so… we’re keeping up with it.
One of the most common reasons for what your frig has done is the build up of YUCK- hair, pet hair, dust bunnies, dirt, spills- under the frig. Try using a long handled duster (like you use for ceiling fans) kiss it goodbye (as it will never be the same) and clean out under the frig. GOOD LUCK!!!
There are really about 20 reasons it might happen…. my dad used to work in refrigeration, so… yeah. I’m pretty familiar with the routine lol
Not sure if I’ve received my benefits, I have purchased latest books, were they included?
If you were signed up for Patreon in a tier that receives books, and your payment was current, you would have received a post (via email notification) and a message on Patreon with the claim directions and your bookfunnel link. There are tiers on the monthly patreon that do NOT receive books ($2 tip jar, $5 pixie patrons.)
You’re a member of the per novel Patreon. You would have received messages and notifications by posts when the books were sent to you. You should have gotten the past three books with the per novel, via message and with a notification by the post. This is a different patreon than what you signed up for, so it does not have any of the other benefits.
I am confused. I signed up for your basic Patreon, where I buy all your books directly from you when they come out. Is that not an option any more?
That is the per novel patreon. This post isn’t about that patreon.