14 of the 19 ‘errors’ weren’t even errors.
And this, right here… is why Amazon won’t be getting the bonus story/pilot in all future novels.
I’m frustrated, I want to just give up and stop publishing, and I really wonder if the people behind these reports actually even like books.
From where I sit, they really don’t.
This specific reader needs to learn to not report… because what they think are errors simply are not.
I corrected the 5 actual mistakes.
I wonder if they bothered to read the afterword. I doubt it. That would have been too early.
Given a week, I’ll probably feel better about this bullshit, but right now? The joy of writing has been sucked completely out of me.
Perhaps this reader should step up to bat and do the writing instead…
Here is the afterword for the curious:
Dear Reader,
I hope you enjoyed 101 Ways to Die! The short novel remains much as it was in Dirty Deeds 2. The four primary stories found after this afterword are slices of life snippets, things that wouldn’t be included in a novel like this but are fun snapshots of the characters’ lives.
I hope you enjoy this fun foray behind the scenes.
If your version of the book has a fifth story beginning with “Pilot,” I hope you enjoy that as well! The instructions at the start of the story will be valid for the months of June and July of 2023.
If your version of the book does not have the “pilot” short story, it is due to one vendor’s aggressive error-reporting policies; that vendor does not receive the bonus short story.
I do ask, if you find a mistake in one of my books, that you remember my books are worked on entirely by living, breathing people. Vendors do not have, nor should they have, creative control over an author’s work. As a courtesy to those who wish to be helpful and have a place to report typos, I maintain a form on my website, which you can find here: https://www.thesneakykittycritic.com/found-a-typo/.
I’m so sorry this is happening to you
I’m pi$$ed to read this; it sounds like a malicious attack rather than anyone trying to be helpful. Pfft’em, and Amazon too. I sent a message to Jeff @ amazondotcom on their tool with a twist. I thanked him for a great way to mess with authors who showed a political bent I disliked. It didn’t get anything but a boilerplate ‘Thanks’.
Seems like they are going about this the wrong way. I admit, as an editor (and an Australian, to boot) I sometimes have difficulties with the way you put things. However, I am well aware that to many, what I see as errors aren’t actually errors, just the way your “voice” sounds. I just correct the things I have an issue with in my own copy, because If I truly saw a typo (not a grammatical error, they are different, and very personal in many cases), I would let you know via the nice little form you have set up.
By the way, I loved you pilot. I would love to see this become an actual book/series. I also love the Vigilante Librarians, and am sad it will only be the original story arc, because I love the way you’ve combined a morbid/dark sense of humour with the love of what is right in the world and what is wrong in the world and made it an entertaining read.
Honestly… this is the exact problem with editors reading for pleasure. They want to write things how THEY would recommend it for clients. There’s no appreciation for the different ways in which people write.
That voice is why my books are mine. Grammar is a tool like any other. There is a difference between typing ‘teh’ and ‘the’ versus “I decide to order my clauses in a certain way because I want this cadence.” A LOT of the errors I am seeing reported is a: someone set in their ways and not reading to enjoy what the author actually wrote b: someone wanting the wording to be like THEY would do it.
Language is ever evolving, and editors in particular would do well to remember that.
And, perhaps… don’t read for pleasure if you can’t embrace that the whole point of a book is for people to play with English, not to write the same old, static, boring grammatical nonsense.
Because that is what you’re left with if you write everything to be grammatically correct. Boring nonsense.
When I buy and read any of your books, or any other authors, I am not looking for typos, or errors (I’m a retired nurse/preschool teacher).
I read books because it nakes me happy; in today’s world , there are very few things that do.
Please keep writing! We need you to!
I agree. I usually only notice typos if they are glaringly obvious. I have contacted authors a few times by email because of major plot point errors, such as a background character who appears in several books suddenly having a totally different name. Or win an author contradicted themselves such as in one book saying a type of stone found to be used by the aliens who had settled the world before the humans being unminable by humans, then several books later all of a sudden humans could and have been mining it for years. I would never point it out in a review.
I am so sorry that you have to go through this! It would be so nice if you could ban the armchair editor from buying your books since they don’t enjoy reading.
I have sent my protest to Amazon and I love your books! Please know that your fans are here and they love your work.
I have sent protest to both of the people that you advised us to in Amazon I find it disgusting that people have to turn in typos what are they retired? Rotten, nasty, English teachers. I love your books. I will buy your books and if I find a typo, I’ll just read over. It doesn’t bother me. People are human. keep up the good work you’re doing a great job. I’ll read everything you write.
Someone, who probably has access to your blog, is bullying you.
I am so very sorry you’re having to deal with all these micromanagings, or actually micro/macro aggressions. I so enjoy your books! and I also enjoyed the pilot at the end of 101 ways to die. That did look like a lot of fun to imagine, and write about.! ?.
I currently have almost all of your books on my E reader, including from your many different names, (pseudonyms?) and I VERY MUCH enjoy them. ?. I love your imaginative worlds/world building and humor. ?. Please know that your works are very much loved and appreciated!
First of all, let me say that I love your books and “101 Ways to Die” is no exception. I will be reviewing it today, as Amazon will not let me do so before the actual publication date if I don’t buy it from them. (I am an “otter.”)
I am so sorry the idiots hit you before you could take a breath. It has been my experience with this type of person that all you can do is remind yourself that “You can’t fix stupid”. (I worked retail for 20 years and saw a *lot* of stupid.)
There are grammatical errors, but those are just the way people speak when they aren’t giving a scripted speech. I am old and was actually taught grammar in all 12 years of my public school. It isn’t emphasized any more and nobody misses it.
Unfortunately, the self-appointed graders are not as smart as they think they are…
It is also important to remember that the grammar you learned 60+ years ago is no longer correct. Language changes.
I wish more people remembered that.
Maybe readers should be “reported” to Amazon as well to be banned as customers! They are ruining the experience for all of us! Sorry you are having this happen to you. Please don’t quit. I believe the majority of your readers enjoy your writing waay too much and would miss your stories in the extreme! I just started reading 101 Ways, only on the first chapter, and already see your flavor! And just to make it better, when I read that there was more in the Smashwords version, after I’d pre-purchased the Amazon one, I went over and got it also. Got to have all you write!
I really wish I could ban readers from buying books.
I don’t want readers who leave 1* reviews as readers; they’re clearly unhappy, and I would very much prefer to make certain they don’t make the mistake of buying my books again. I want happy readers… and if people have reason to leave 1-2* reviews, then I don’t want them to be wasting their money.
Because… I don’t account for them outside of “This is a vote to not continue or prioritize this series” because I don’t take and use criticism from people who hate things. They clearly weren’t my audience, so why would I cater to them?
You should at least be able to rate them. And therefore we, the readers, can tell if this person routinely rates books badly. And any reviewer who gets too many 1’s across Amazon isn’t allowed to rate books.
The thing is, i wonder if they do actually dislike the books they rate as 1’s. Unless they’re really angry people to begin with, if they didn’t care for something, why would they bother writing about it? i’m afraid i don’t really understand that. Sometimes it seems like they’ve had a bad day and are taking it out on you, and that’s really, really sad. Sad little people with sad little lives, you’re much better than they are, and we are much better for having your books to read
Like… when I don’t like a book, I just stop reading it and that’s that. It’s sooo damned strange. Or the people who want to leave a 1* review and slam it in a 5* review (or whatever other rating) because they think I’m going to read it. (Not the case ahahahahahaa.)
And it’s funny that they think I’m doing to actually DO anything about their criticisms. Like… no? If they don’t like my books, please PLEASE go read a book they WILL like.
So sorry, those nit picking people should go read the dictionary instead. I love your books, have almost all of them. Don’t stop writing. Thanks so much for your books, they brighten my day.??
With the amount of false errors, i have to wonder if the book is just being read by a program of some sort. Obviously, nothing with an actual brain read the afterword or they’re one of those people who live to tear others down. It’s unfortunate that there are many of those that enjoy the anonymity that these things give them to hurt other people.
It’s very sad that people like this have nothing better to do with their time. In another post you gave them the benefit of the doubt about ‘trying to help’. i really don’t believe that they are trying to help. Truly, i believe that they know what they’re doing in causing harm to authors. Perhaps a frustrated wanna be author themselves.
i also can’t believe some of the reviews people write. i am often left wondering if we read the same book. And those reviews very rarely have any content reference. i mean, i’m not good at writing reviews (in fact i know i’m pretty darn bad at it) but i at least try to incorporate something from the book, some passing reference at least in the title line. Most of the jerks, the review could be of almost any book. Sometimes i think that the reason it initially seems like they’ve read the book is because i’ve read the book, and my mind is supplying the details. When i look at most of the negative reviews objectively, they are not at all specific. They are weird things like ‘this is not funny’, well, you could get that it is a comedy from the title, it doesn’t reference anything else; or, ‘this series has gone down hill…’ again, you get that it’s a series from the title. It makes me angry so i can’t imagine how it must make you feel.
It is truly, truly a sad thing that people have so little in their lives that they have to tear down others. Were they never taught “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? There are books that i’ve picked up as freebies that i don’t care for, but if i don’t like it i just don’t rate it or review it. My assumption is, even if i don’t like it or like the way it’s written, someone surely does and the author is catering to that audience. What right do i have to try and determine what other people are able to read, especially as i know that things like bad ratings negatively effect an author on Amazon?
It’s a person. They just want me to write the books they would prefer to read, phrased in a way they prefer.
Meh, you can’t please everyone and shouldn’t try. I didn’t start reading your books to edit your work. I love the stories and your wonderfully twisted sense of humor. I can totally relate. I’m just sorry Amazon lets people pull that crap.
I’m so sorry that happened. I greatly enjoyed the book and especially the pilot story. I loved the glimpses of what happened next to Alec and Josefina. Would love to have a story on their wedding or when Bailey discovers they are together.
I have an s3ries of books I absolutely ADORE. Every single one of them has a 1/2 dozen or MORE problems (wrong word used, open dialogue, among a few). When I contacted the author and offered to send what I’d found, she said she has a team whose job it was to spot them before publishing and she’s happy with them. So this author basically said she didn’t care. It frustrating.
I LOVE ALL YOUR BOOKS I Have read!! Don’t listen to those Stupid Idiots! I am reading 101 ways to die for a second time and enjoyed The Pilot very much would love to hear more about you star nosed mole!! I think I have read all your books at least twice. So PLEASE don’t stop writing! Thanks for all your books, Stephanie
Well, another surprise from you. At first I wasn’t sure about the whole pilot but within a few short paragraphs I was intrigued. Power on sneaky kitty. Somehow I always end up loving all your books.
As always was hooked immediately & forgot I was reading a pilot. Disappointed myself when I remembered I couldn’t just download the book &/or series to keep reading. I’ve loved all your books, particularly because of your quirky sense of humor that never fails to make me laugh out loud. Please consider this a sincere request to finish & publish this potential new series!
I love most of you books. Some are not my cup of tea as I lost interest and put it down, which any sane person should do, not complain that I did not like it, duh! I really enjoyed the “Pilot” and would be interested in more. I buy NO BOOKS from Amazon other than print, I buy from Kobo or some other epub seller. I have several preorders of your books, and it was such a thrill to get an email letting me know my book is ready. I got one on Thursday stating my book was ready. Sadly, I did not see 101 Ways to Die was ready until Saturday. But, hey, I got to binge all in one session.
I enjoy your books and look forward to the side stories. I’m sorry you’re dealing with what seems to be a very difficult situation. I’m also sad that this affects your fans because we now don’t get access to the Pilot because of where we have our ebook collection. I hope at some point you’ll consider sharing these missing stories on your website. Thanks for another fun read!
If Amazon changes their policies, the books stories will be updated into their copies. I just can’t use them with Amazon, not with their current policies. Those stories have mistakes in them due to what they are. And readers absolutely DO report inconsistencies.
You can still use Smashwords to import books into your kindle library. You have options that get books onto your kindle without having to give Amazon a cent. (The per novel Patrons also import their books into the kindles all of the time.) The only thing that doesn’t happen is automatic integration into the series.
I can confirm! I stopped all my orders on Amazon and now get my books from the Patreon. I have a Japanese Kindle and it had no problems downloading this book. It also did not wipe out the 4k plus books I have on my Kindle. I highly endorse dropping Amazon and I was so excited that I kept bragging that THE AUTHOR sent me the book herself! I have no problems changing the way I read if it stops bullying and gives my favorite author a better quality of life. Happy authors are more likely to spend time on making good content! Nothing but love to you and yours!
This is in regards to the ” Pilot ” It’s AWESOME! Funny and with your typical sense oh humor, has a unexpected twist!! I seriously hope that you write the full novel!!! Please keep us posted about your decision!
RJ, I am so sorry you’re having problems with a troll! Please don’t stop writing because of problems with one platform/reader! I work in customer service and it seems like the same 5-10% of people lodge the (almost) same complaints. Most of the complaints I deal with are legitimate complaints, but I have run into some people are born perfect and they want everyone else to live up to their idea of perfection, too!
I guess if I was an author, and I wasn’t able to report the reader to Amazon, I’d have to weigh whether I’m getting enough sales from Amazon to make it worth putting up with the headache of the self-report error tool/troll. You have a large and loyal fanbase. I know I would follow you to a different platform if you didn’t publish anything new to Amazon.
I just recently checked into Kobo based on your recommendation. Thank you for putting your books on Kobo Plus! By the way, I bought 101 Ways to Die on Amazon and saw I didn’t get the Pilot story, so I bought the story again on Kobo. I like the Kobo interface, so I will purchase your books from Kobo in future. Thanks, Jenn
Hi RJ, please ignore my comment about sales vs. staying on Amazon, I’m reading your Blain address now. I had no idea of the costs involved in producing a high-quality book. Whew! Thanks, Jenn
Have you considered putting that in a foreword, titled “Find a typo?” and asking them NOT to use Amazon’s typo reporting tool, but instead to communicate directly with the author at (insert link here)? If you put that directly in front of the actual content instead of the back matter (which over-opinionated grammar Nazis tend not to read), you at least have a chance of catching the well-meaning ones, even if it doesn’t weed out the malicious ones.
By the way, I LOVED the book. All of the book. Please more of the pilot if it can be shoe-horned into your schedule! Thank you!
It’s technically against Amazon’s rules, and not worth having my account completely shut down to do. And many, many people ignore or don’t see the forewords when I do write them, alas.
I’ve been following this latest (for me) ‘Amazon sucks’ drama since you first mentioned it in your blogs. I didn’t cancel my preorders because I was worried it would hurt you somehow–I don’t know if Amazon uses some mystic garbage algorithm like Youtube and canceled preorders would make them push you lower or something. Is this accurate? I’d rather support you on a platform that isn’t trying to kill you with stress, but I don’t want to make things worse.
You’re okay to cancel preorders. 🙂
I’m glad I’m not the only one that worried about that! All preorders canceled even though I had to hunt them down one by one….. Amazon is getting really bad…