Photo: some flower found somewhere in Australia. (I want to say Cairns, but I’m not 100% sure.)
Fans of $x series (insert whatever your favorite series is) tend to get upset when they do not get the next book in their series right away. It doesn’t matter if the series is long or short, if it’s 2 of 3 books finished, 16 or 32 finished, or anything else like that.
Readers get upset when they are not given the thing they specifically want.
I’ve seen this trend time and time again. “Why do you have so many series? I want $this book… when will you do THIS book?”
Here is the simple answer: my brain loathes and abhors doing series back to back. In fact, my brain hates it so much it would Very Much Prefer if I could have at LEAST six books between the next in the same series, please and thank you.
I tend to do 3-5, because that lets me continue to pay the bills.
I thrive on chaos. I have so many ideas, so many books I want to write, and z-e-r-o desire to stick in the same playground for two books in a row. As it is, one book takes me something like 300-500 hours to accomplish nowadays. (Up from the 200-300 before the nitpickers decided they REALLY had to have perfection or their world was over as they knew it.)
I do not want to spend 600-1,000 hours doing the same thing over and over and over again.
After 300 hours of working mostly on one project, I want to run wild and free (and burn the entire series that book was in to the ground) while sipping the tears of readers disappointed I did not give them what they wanted when they wanted.
Seriously. Go on. Do something for 300 hours… see how you feel about that thing when it becomes highly repetitive with zero variation. (See: proofreading.) The end of every book is proofreading, where I can’t fiddle, adjust, etc–I am SOLELY looking for errors.
This is mind-crushingly boring. Tedious. Duller that fucking sun-blasted dirt. At least a hundred hours is dedicated to reading, rereading, and rereading yet again the same exact book. Just looking to make sure I used their instead of there, or ‘did I REALLY need that comma?’, or ‘was that how that character’s name is actually spelled?’
I will not be changing this tendency. I hate writing a world or series back-to-back, and I won’t do it. This job is hard enough without deliberately doing something my brain absolutely hates.
If you can’t abide by an author picking and choosing order, I’m REALLY not the author for you. I have a lot of books and series I’m working on, and right now, I’m prioritizing the books that are one book from done while still working on one or two that will pay the bills while those are passion projects that incur debt.
Yes, I write books that incur debt and have the books that are doing well pay for them. I like finishing what I start.
But when a series is not paying its own bills, it is not going to be prioritized in the slightest. I know a bunch of you won’t buy books unless the series is done. This is a consequence you pay for your choice. It’s definitely your choice to make, and I wish you well on your reading endeavors. You are definitely entitled to spend your money as you wish.
(Here comes to uncomfortable truth… you are NOT entitled to demand I spend my money how YOU wish. I’m the one paying the expenses for the books, not anyone other than me. And as such, while I will, from time to time, ask for reader preferences… the choice is not in the hands of the readers, nor should readers feel they have the right to dictate what an author works on next.
No author on this planet is ever beholden to a reader to finish a series, period. I choose to finish every series I started even when they don’t earn back because I want to. It’s the same reason I incur debt on audiobooks that commonly take 2 years. I want people with dyslexia to have access to books. I want people who can no longer see to have access to books. I even want people who are doing dishes to have access to books, although I wish that element of the audience would be a little more inclined to sit down and be kind and not speak from time to time. Okay, often. (Because let’s face it, when talking about audiobook accessibility, I prioritize those who NEED them, not those who have it as a convenience.)
And those who need them deserve quality products, not just a machine reading to them that lacks any spark of creativity. They don’t deserve the bare minimum that abled-minded and bodied people think they should get.
One part is “what pays the bills” ( I have one primary series that pays the bills. This is the anchor series. That’s it, that’s all. I have one.) I have a second series that thinks about paying the bills but doesn’t quite do so yet. This is Susan Copperfield. I’m hoping the G.P. Robbins books can serve as a new anchor series and pay the bills. The first book is promising, but here’s the reality of the G.P. Robbins situation: the book broke even after all expenses.
That’s it, that’s all.
Lilith Daniels has already flopped as an anchor series possibility, so has been shunted to play / passion project status already. Her current preorders (and Patreon contributions) have her projected to be releasing, after her first two weeks, at a loss. People just aren’t interested, and that’s fine. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised, but I REALLY want to write this book, so I am. And I really want to write the second book, so I will. But at the moment, I only have committed to two books, and that’s all I have covers for. If the second book doesn’t break even out of the gate, Lilith Daniels will be done unless I REALLY want to revisit that world for a standalone.
And yes… that is how life as an author goes. I have a collection of something like 10 or 20 novels that I have plotted and need time to write that are testing the waters to see if they can become anchors for my career.
Here’s the reality: without an anchor series… I cannot continue this career path. I will need to just finish the stragglers, cut things short, accept my losses, and walk away and find a new career.
Every author faces this same problem. Some authors have hugely rabid fanbases who will buy everything… but that’s not what an anchor series is.
Anchor series are what brings in new readers to help continue paying the bills.
And a lot of readers see the Magical Romantic Comedy series and go “Well, that’s too long, I can’t start that now.”
Food for thought, food for thought, food for thought.
Bernadette Franklin makes so little money that I only do those if a book that pays the bills and several of the ‘non-payers’ does better than expected.
This isn’t just a game where I can go whee, write all the things! I have to evaluate earnings, I have to look at what will pay my staff, and what will pay my rent.
I attempted to make Vigilante Magical Librarians an anchor series, gambled on a large-scale advertising campaign, and lost. It’s the only major advertising campaign I’ve done that actually busted out. The Mag Rom Com series ultimately paid for that failure. So, rather than make use of the spinoff ideas and fun stuff I had planned for Vigilante Magical Librarians, I shelved them, did the mental hoop jumping to remove the threads that would have opened those spinoffs, and moved on with life.
Writers aren’t a charity for your entertainment, and I think it’s important that readers are reminded of that.
But above all… my brain HATES working on the same world back to back. I need a cool down period on characters. By the time I’ve reached my 300+ hours of working on a book, I REALLY need a break from them.
Preferably in the quantity of 3-5 books worth of ‘doing something else.’
Because yes, I get sick and tired of Satin and friends in the Mag Rom Com series. I want to light the Royal States on literal fire after 300 hours of working on a book. I will go to a corner, sometimes, and just literally scream out my frustration at the end of editing a book because I am so tired of working on that thing.
Variety is the spice of my life… and the bills need to be paid. So, when series fail and don’t earn their keep, I try new things in search of that series that WILL earn its keep and help me keep writing when the mag rom com series is over.
Because once it’s over, there will be no more major releases that pay the rest of my bills for months upon months, making sure my staff gets paid and I can pay off my rent.
Once it’s done, it’s done. And once a series is done, for an indie like me? I don’t earn that much on my backlist.
My real money comes from the first two weeks of a book or audiobook’s life. After that, it’s just dribbles of pennies here and there, here and there.
If I want the pennies to be more, I have to pay for advertising. That’s just how this industry works.
So, I diversify my series in hopes that I can continue to write, and that some of these series start earning enough for me to pay my bills without the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series ever being involved.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I’ll mention this again. 95% of my readers read one thing: the Magical Romantic Comedy (with a body count) series. The rest of you are super fans, and while appreciated… the super fans alone don’t pay the bills.
The super fans are super appreciated, but the reality of the situation is… I can’t keep writing if only the super fans are buying. This is just a cold and hard truth of life.
Books are expensive, and my staff deserves to be paid well for their work.
I hope this food for thought has not disappointed you too much and gives you a better understanding of “why all the pen names?” and “why so many series?”
Everything will be done… unless I kick the bucket first, and well, I won’t be around to care how many people complain at that point, so that’s fine. I’d really rather not kick the bucket at this stage, so let’s work with “I’ll get there, eventually… as the money allows.”
And readers, alas, are in charge of that element of things, not me. I just make the most of what I can do, understanding that once the Magical Romantic Comedy series is done and the 95% who only read that series wander off… it’s probable I’m done, unless there’s a new anchor series that picks up the slack.
Right now, there’s not.
And that’s just how the cookie crumbles.
So, don’t think too badly of me for not writing back to back Magical Romantic Comedy books… once they’re done, the whole parade grinds to a halt. And I won’t be bleeding that rock dry solely to keep making money.
The series has a set ending, and that is all she wrote.
I truly get it! I rarely read back to back books in a series. I slide in at least one completely different story between books. I think of it as a palate cleanser! I think the really creative authors write different types of stories which keeps things fresh. You can tell when an author is just writing words to fill up the page. Keep up the good work!
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for G P Robbins to take off. I love it!
I am too, it was a fun read and I love the characters. Also, not kidding about the length – very meaty, took me much longer than usual to finish (which at my speed is a good thing!)
I know nothing about the process of writing or publishing. I do understand the need (not the want) for variety. As much as I love your anchor series (and I do), I also love the very different offerings you have for your other series. It is too bad that it looks like Lilith Daniels will not be the next anchor series (because I really LOVE the excerpt you posted and I want MORE). Being serious, I appreciate that being an author (creator) is not like being a reader (consumer) – producing always takes more investment in time and money than consuming. Produce as you see fit; I promise that as long as your quality is good, I will continue to consume!
I feel the same way! I really hope it takes off, it looks right up my alley.
100% get it. Glad i like all your stuff for the most part. But then i also hyperfixate and have no issues rereading series while i wait for new…
I appreciate the work you put into all this. And i am well aware that while it can be fun, it is also a LOT of WORK.
My ADHD means I hyper fixate! If I’m starting a new to me series and I like, odds are I’ll read the entire thing in a matter of days. And then I of course want the next book ASAP. But – I have several authors and series on which I’ve hyper fixated, so I just reread (Magical Rom Com isn’t my favorite, Jesse is, but 30 books gives me lots of rereading!) and pick up the next book/series as each writes something new.
I did learn to appreciate pen names early on. I used to compulsively read every book by an author regardless of series or genre – and I got bit when I picked up Agatha Christie’s pen name at 11. No they aren’t mysteries and no they weren’t a good read for me at that age.
I’ve found that if I bounce off a series or pen name of an author I usually love, either it’s a genre I don’t particularly care for (I’ll bounce off most harem books, most werewolf fated-mate books) or it’s just not right for my headspace at the time. If it’s the latter, sooner or later it’ll work for me and I’ll blow through them all at last (as happened a few weeks ago with Royal States).
I do still buy the next book in a series if I like the series but am not up for reading it, which is why I have Karma 2 and will buy Karma 3 even though I’ve not been in the mood for her.
I am the same way. I get in “moods” and will spend 3 months ready cozy mysteries and nothing else. I will, during that time, still buy fantasy books I think I will like later, because generally, after that time, I don’t want to see another mystery! It’s time for fantasy (or SF or romantic suspense …). Now, what did I pick up a couple months ago?
I understand, and can only wish the readers/purchasers were there for all the series. What I read about the coming “Grave Affairs” really piqued my interest, and I’m sorry to read that it’s dead before launch. I hope you hit with something new, soon.
It is what it is what it is. It could mystically revive itself, and I’ll spend *some* ad dollars giving it a chance, but I’ve promoted it on the blog quite a few times and elsewhere, and the response was far more than lackluster. I haven’t had this few preorders on a project for something in years. And honestly, that amuses the hell out of me. But if people don’t want it, they don’t want it. lol
Some that seems a issue for a certain group of readers, I find a treasure, that you can switch between stories and books, show new worlds and personalities and to do all of that just to keep your sanity and joy in writing and, try to make a living from that also. Even with all the negativity, which we all can’t get away from now and then, you keep on giving us the most precious of all, your personality in so many different ways.
Enjoyed the GP Robbins world and hope it finds its legs. I pretty much re-read all your series under every name over and over. The first chapter of Grave Affairs made me want more so fingers crossed. I would have loved seeing Vigilante Magical Librarians or Seeking the Zodiac take off but am apparently in the minority.
I personally am super excited for Lilith Daniels LOL I am just glad you are writing lots of books I enjoy the variety of so many series to pick from.
I have all your books. I love all your series. I read and re-read them all… frequently and often! 😹
I just bounce to whatever you’re releasing. And if it’s a series I haven’t read in awhile, I just use the new release as a reason to re-read them all before seaguing right into the newest one. Usually when your latest release leaves me antsy for more, I just start re-reading everything, all the series all over again to get my fix while I wait. You’re one of the handful of authors that I’ve re-read entire series in the nearly double digits already.
So whatever you gotta do to keep writing, I’m 100% for!!! I’d only get upset if you stopped writing!😁
Variety is the spice of life! Do your work, your way. And thank you for it.
I follow 3 author blogs, including yours (my 3 favorite authors anywhere). Just this morning, one of the other (wildly popular) authors was stressing, because they were reaching the end of their anchor series and didn’t have a new one in the wings. The coincidental timing just struck me so hard!
Good luck on finding the new anchor series with “legs”.
No coincidence here. I got mentioned in the comments in Google and sighed over it; I had annoyed a reader. Again. For doing my thing.
But they are absolutely correct about the anchor thing.
So I consider myself a fan not really a super fan. I at least try your new books. Some of the series I like some I don’t. I won’t buy new books in the series I dislike and I consider that as fair. I might read them now that I joined Kobo+ I’m not t sure.
I really liked that Magical Librarian series but if you didn’t get enough sales I understand not continuing past the planned books. At least you finish at story arc.
Hopefully you get a replacement core series so you can continue to write. Your style of literature is right up my alley. I appreciate you reaching out to let your readers know how it works being a indie author/publisher.
I love your different series, and appreciate seeing your creativity show in different “worlds.” You are so very talented and I applaud and support you completely. I wish there were something I could do for you in return.
I really hope Grave Affairs comes out better than if looks right now! After reading the first chapter, I’m totally intrigued! I’m also loving Dead Weight and hope it starts taking off instead of just breaking even. Mag Rom Com and spin offs will probably always be my absolute favorite though. I adored the Bernadette Franklin books so wish they had done better. I’m happy you’ll finish the Magical Librarian series since I enjoyed reading them too. Got a gift card for my birthday and splurged on most of your other books (except Susan Copperfield) but am not sure when I’ll be in the mood to read them yet. Come Christmas, I’m hoping for another gift card so I can get the Royal States books. While I personally would love to read series back to back, I can certainly understand why it’s difficult to write them that way!
I’m super happy I decided to go the Patreon way and that is counted as a preorder for you. I have to stop myself from actually preordering sometimes because I forget I’m going to be getting it already!
It saddens me to hear about all the crap you are getting about trivial errors. I don’t understand why some people can’t just enjoy the story. Sure I’ve noticed an error or two here and there but it’s certainly not worth wasting your time over nor does it diminish my enjoyment of the book.
I guess, in a very long round about way, I just want to say I appreciate your writing and love hearing how things work from your side of the book as well as the insights into your life. Knowing some of the ins and outs of what goes into your work helps me be just a bit more patient while waiting for my next hit of whichever book is coming next!
Thanks for keeping on despite the issues!
The only series of yours that I haven’t purchased is the Royal States. Not for me, I’m afraid. But I have everything else in all your other pen names, having started with the Mag Rom Coms pretty much as they first came out, and then just branched out into your other series and pen names from there. BUT – I never pre-order a book for the simple reason that I have a VIP membership on Kobo which gets me 10% off – but only on publication. I am a voracious reader and spend around £80 (approx $102) a month on books. Without the VIP 10% I wouldn’t be able to get as many books as I do. I don’t know what your Kobo readership is like, but if there are more like me that don’t pre-order you may get more sales in the first two weeks than you’re expecting – fingers crossed. And I’m really looking forward to reading the G.P Robbins which is currently in my TBR pile!
I personally am of the “can I have the next one now” camp, but mainly that’s because I have the attention span of a gnat, and therefore, I have a hard time remembering what happened to Declan since the last time you released one of the Fenerec based books. Other than that, I guess I would be a super fan, as I have read everything of yours that I can get my hands on, and I’m ok with taking whatever comes next, just b/c you write in a style and genre(s) that I really enjoy.
I am truly sorry that you have to endure other readers behaving badly. If I find a book I don’t like, I’ll just set it aside and see if I come back to it later, or just leave it aside. Usually I have enough books in queue that I very rarely will come back to those. Your books do not fall into that queue. Never have, probably never will.
As an aside, I just finished a book, “The Blacksmith Queen” by G.A. Aiken (Is that one of your anonymous pseudonyms??), that if you didn’t write, I think you might enjoy as it read just as good as one of yours (of course, that is my opinion, and is worth EXACTLY what you paid for it).
Please keep up the good work, and don’t let the Rats keep you down. Except for the really smart ones that live in Bailey’s basement. Those, maybe hang out with some more for some inspiration.
With much fondness and anticipation,
GA Aikens is Shelly Laurenston. Fabulous author.
I don’t usually comment on anything. But you sound like you need a hug.
I discovered Serial Killer Princess while on a back to back Caribbean cruise in October 2021. When I realized it was book 4 in the Magical Romantic Comedy (With a Body Count) series, I waited until we got to a U.S. port, I downloaded the 1st 3 books, and crossed my fingers that I’d like them.
I now have 21 books in the series, as well a lot of the Witch and Wolf books. All in all, I have 21 other R.J Blaine books, besides the body count ones. I’m still reading some of the other books. And so far, I love them all.
We’re going to Mexico on Thursday, so I need to make sure I download enough to keep me entertained for 10 days with no work.
Please don’t stop what you’re doing. People are idiots if they think ordering new books is like getting McDonald’s.
Please keep writing, and I’ll keep buying.
I love most of your books, I never mind what order they are in. I really hope Dead Weight does better soon as I loved it.
If you are looking for a new anchor series thats quite different from your mag com ones have you considered co-writing or taking over a series from another author? A few of my other favourite authours have other anchor series but have one book that feels like an amazing start of a series but in the case I’m thinking of that character just never spoke much to her and shes stated will never force herself to try more…but like its a much loved book that I could see you make your own even if you just take it as a prequel or inspiration? I won’t name it here as I cant remember how public it is that she refuses to go further but feel free to email me. Also whilst I am a super fan I’m also avalible as proofreader as I have the skill to both spot errors as well as still enjoy the story as my brain just fills in gaps + i usually reread the whole series each time theres a new book so I really wont feel like its spoiled the final. Just thought I’d mention it as whilst I cant send a real hug I can help
No, I will not do this. I write the books I want to read, and I’m not going to be doing anything of that nature. I have no desire to co-write, and I’m not going to ghostwrite OR continue someone else’s series.
Just like every book I write is mine. This is just something that is not on the table.
And co-writing doesn’t make something an anchor series. The series’ popularity is, and I’m not interested in riding on someone else’s tailcoats.
If I end up with a second anchor series, it will be because I earned it.
That makes sense and its totally valid. Just thought its one that might inspire something. Will keep fingers crossed Dead Weight takes off in the meantime.
To paraphrase Neil Gaiman, “Authors are not your bitch.”
Yep, and I have pandered to people way too much, and frankly spoken, I am being tired of being stepped on.
I am also tired of the unrequested criticism… if readers think they can do better, they should just go do better. And then come back and prove they can write typo-fee, engaging books with strong plot and characterization…
I am just tired.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your books under the various pen names, but also appreciate your answer to a question I was wondering about. I have moods, too – and tend to pick my books depending them. I find your books overall are very positive reads, and appreciate the time and effort you put in to give us a variety of worlds that we can indulge in. I have very much needed positivity in my life and your books have been a wonderful source of that. Thank you. I look forward to whatever world you choose to write in next.
i will continue to buy your books and i have gotten several others started as well. don’t listen to the naysayers, whiners, and general busybodies. it is one of my happy days when i open my kindle and see a new book no matter which series it is. thank you so much for continuing to write.