This feature will likely run once a week on Mondays. The story is complicated af, just like Dead Weight, so it takes longer to write. This is the utter definition of raw, so if you can’t stand typoes, mistakes, inconsistencies, etc… steer clear.
The rules for the read alongs are pretty simple: no sharing the read along with anyone, no editing. (The stories in the read alongs for the cindercorns and spicy ponies with bite have not been edited, and any editorial help is ignored… everything is subject to change, so there is zero point in cleaning up typos and grammar foopahs until I’m at that stage of the creative process.)
Anyway, if sneak peek and raw looks at books, along with author notes on the process, are something you enjoy, you can sign up for the read along at Patreon. The Cindercorn and Spicy Ponies with Bite tiers are the only tiers that get the following read alongs:
- The Trickster King
- Cerulean (as scenes are completed, this one is slow)
- Murder Floof
- Iron Unicorn
- Partner in Crime
If I begin working on another side project in earnest, it may be added to the Cindercorn/Spicy Ponies With Bite tiers.
Pixies and Otters are currently reading Playing with Fire. (Cindercorns and Spicy Ponies also receive the basic read along.)
In other news, I am going to begin concept sketching for a novel series I’m working on. It isn’t ready to be posted, pursued, or anything like that, but the book I do this with will be a special edition type from start to finish. I will very probably mark the ebook version at $9.99 because it will include artwork (I will commission some interior art in addition to the art I’m doing myself for the project) and other goodies.
There will be a special edition hardback of the title.
Note: thar be dragons here.
P.S.: Spicy Ponies and Cindercorns will be receiving advance views of some of the interior art, as I will be making coloring book page editions of the art for them.
Enjoy this photo from Pinnacles National Park.
Barbara Murphy
Question, I like waiting for your ebooks to come out and have, I’m pretty sure got all the published ebooks in my library where I can reread them in comfort. Am I missing stories by not being able afford Patreon? I’m hoping that with patience… I can buy the finished stories.? I have no problem waiting, and rereading well-loved stories like all the royal States stories. it is one of my rereading favorites, I could absolutely keep naming everything, I love them all! By-the-way, I loved the ‘Booked for..’ . books and am sad that they didn’t do well. Vampire of Montana was another eagerly awaited, and didn’t disappoint. Thanks for the hundreds of hrs of wonderful reading!
The Sneaky Kitty Critic
Yes, they will eventually be published through regular vendors.
Very cool.