Playing with Fire is part of a super fun fantasy promotion for Kobo Plus! There is also a selection of science fiction. Basically, if it’s speculative fiction, you might find it in this promotion! Woo!
All books involved with this promotion are in Kobo Plus, including mine, so if you have a membership, you can get in a bunch of fun reading.
(Points at the link.) Click! Click! Behold the cover art!
This promotion is a “Browse by Cover” promotion. If you want to learn more about the book, click on the cover. You’ll get access to the description. At the very least, you’ll enjoy a visual buffet of covers. (And a lot of the covers are actually really, really nice!)
So, if you’re looking for some new books to start off your 2024, you can start with this collection of fantasy and sci-fi books! WHEE.
(Yes, I wrote this post while very tired and a little excitable.)
May your 2024 be filled with awesome books!
P.S.: If you’ve read any of these books, DO tell us if you loved them in the comments. (Be kind; please only mention the books you LOVED!)
Thanks for the tip! They’re not even all Kobo Plus. Some are just plain free, like the ones I looked at by Christine Pope, as first of a series, which was then on Kobo Plus. (Others are US$0.99.)
The Sneaky Kitty Critic
All of them are *supposed* to be in Kobo Plus. (But Kobo Plus does not bar people from having books elsewhere. But all books should be in the Kobo Plus system. <3)
Happy reading!!
Chris Stott
Am already a member and it has been an excellent experience. The range of books is varied and I do recommend it.
Loved ‘Playing With Fire’, and all your books.
Why thank you for pointing me to a place to increase my TBR electronic pile! The best thing about an electronic pile is that when it inevitably topples over, at least I won’t be crushed under the weight. I have the first I Bring The Fire book sitting in my pile now… perhaps this is a good time to get it out of the pile… 🙂