One of my previous Pets in Space contributions, Experimental Voyage, is now available for preorder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books! This will be one of two Christmas releases. (Murder Floof, Bernadette Franklin will be the second. It’s just not quite ready to be put up for preorder; I haven’t figured out how much the book will need to cost yet.)

About the Book:
When a spaceship accident costs Camellia her chance to explore the universe as a botanist, she jumps at the chance to be a test subject on an experimental voyage. If the gamble restores her hearing, her dreams for the future will no longer be out of reach.
Venturing into the depths of space is dangerous enough, but when a shiftgem gate develops a mind of its own and yanks them into uncharted space, Camellia’s skills and tolerance are tested. Her chance to explore a new world proves to be a bitter pill to swallow upon learning the truth: some discoveries are best left lost.
How can Camellia, with the help of a grumpy pilot, his cat, and his crew of space-faring predators, safeguard an entire planet incapable of protecting itself?
The answer may cost her everything, including her heart.
Experimental Voyage first appeared in Pets in Space 8. This edition of the book includes new content.
Note: while I collectively call these Space Fox books, they aren’t officially part of a series. Sometimes, characters overlap and there are mentions to previous books, but there is no cohesive plot. It’s just random stories about characters with animal genetics in space doing space things.
Please do not indulge in panic or concern that I’m doing two Christmas releases. Experimental Voyage and Murder Floof are well over half done each (considering Experimental Voyage’s expansions) and will not kill the author doubling up. Both releases will be low key, so while I will check to make sure nothing is exploding in a bad way, I will not be babysitting these releases heavily. (I do not expect booming sales for either book, which makes them perfect for the holidays.)
January will likely have a Mag Rom Com release, as I do not want to do a large scale release over the holidays this year.
(P.S.: I’m currently eyeballing April 2025 for Guilty as Hell, the sequel to Client from Hell. And NO!!!!! that trilogy does NOT belong in the Mag Rom Com series properly because It does not influence the end game of the Mag Rom Com series. It is a spin off, and it’s meant for fun, and while it addresses things that happen in the Mag Rom Com series, I am just chasing after a thread that was opened but was not closed in the series proper. Because the closing of said thread is not mandatory for the series to go where it needs.
Essentially, rather than tie it up with a bow, I thought you’d like to have a spin off trilogy for shits and giggles instead.
Please stop trying to tell me the trilogy belongs in the main series.
It does not. How do I know this?
I’m the one writing it.
Thank you. Now, please do not get overly excited… Guilty as Hell is tentatively for April next year, but it really depends on how well the writing goes the rest of this year. (And sales. How sales go is also important.)
clap clap, clap! ” doing a happy dance and singing cant wait!
Ordered and thank you for the heads up.
I loved Camellia’s story!!! Will we receive it on Patreon or should I preorder now?
And Woooo, Guilty as Hell! I’ve been waiting for that as well. Thanks for making my day!
It will be available to the Patreon crowd.
Great, thanks for responding so quickly. I definitely want the expanded version and would prefer not to assume privileges and miss out.
Love more books from you, but also want you happy & healthy!
Me toooooo
Is everything you are publishing as an ebook going to be for sale “a la carte” on Patreon?
Yeppers! I’ll be loading the retail version to the Patreon store on the official release day. (And I will post to the free membership/everyone that it’s available.)
Will pre order anyway! I have pets in space but since you have expanded the story I’m getting this copy too. Can’t wait to read the expansions.
Good job telling people to butt out. Who cares if it’s a spin off or the same series, just put it together in collections of their books or don’t. They need to quit annoying you because we all need more books. SO looking forward to the new releases…ANY NEW RELEASES. Thank you! Hugs hugs and MORE hugs. Happy writing, and don’t let those people tell you what to do you are doing great as is.
Guilty as Hell belongs wherever you put it. 🙂 That being said, is there a timeline somewhere that we can see? I thought there was, but maybe I missed it? Or just wishful thinking on my part?
There was a post that showed how Plaidypus overlapped with some other books in the series and how Client fit in, but that’s it. Basically “this is chaos, stuff overlaps”
I think about crying whenever it happens.
Yay! So excited for Experimental Voyage! I can’t wait!