Dear humans, The day of a new book has come! The Run Around by Bernadette Franklin can now be found in the wilds. Due to laze and an extensively long to-do list the female needs to accomplish, you're getting a universal link today. The female has …
Double Trouble Audiobook is now out plus other news from the Blain Household.
Dear humans, Everyone in the Blain household is feeling a little like this today. We're tired. The female is particularly tired. She's doing this walking every day for 30 minutes a day thing, and she does not like it. At all. It hurts. Getting up …
Continue Reading about Double Trouble Audiobook is now out plus other news from the Blain Household.
A note about book recommendations…
Dear humans, In future, when we ask for book recommendations, this is not an invitation to self-promo or cross-promo with an author buddy. We want to hear about books you found and love, not about books your best friend wrote... or you wrote. …
April 19, 2020: A Mini quest, fun with allergies, why isn’t the female’s iPad Pro keyboard here yet? (She’s whining.)
Dear humans, The female had an adventure last night with a bath bomb. It was hilarious. it was her first choice bath bomb from a bunch of frou-frou bombs she bought for self-care purposes. She really, really likes reading in the tub. So …
Book Recommendations: Week of April 18, 2020
Dear humans, On the quest for positivity, we want to open a post about book recommendations. Please recommend your favorite books here. No self-promo or cross promo allowed. (AKA, don't have a friend come on recommending your book; this thread …
Continue Reading about Book Recommendations: Week of April 18, 2020
We are updating our comment policy, humans.
When we have time, we will be going through all comments and removing any that may be inflammatory or negative in nature. While we do allow unmoderated comments from those who have posted comments before, we will be removing any comments that may …
Continue Reading about We are updating our comment policy, humans.